Monday, December 28, 2009

Can U Get Herpes From A Shaver

Gommages aux sucres amandés

I start from today to present you my latest grub, which landed directly under the tree.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I could not take pictures of the baskets. So I present to you products one by one.

Today, it is nice with a makeover.
No no, nothing to do with spring cleaning. The scrub is a ritual to do frequently, and not just in Spring, it's serious attention.
Gommage aux sucres amandés

Here is the recipe for a soft skin and smell to fall. (I do not remember the proportion: s

- 4 / 5 brown sugar (preferably organic)
- 1 / 5
almond powder - 1 case of white clay
- 2 cases
glycerin - Vegetable oils saturation (typically coconut, castor and other background oils)
- 1 case of honey
- 3 gte gingerbread
- 10 gte seed extract grapefruit
- 5 gte vitamin E

Mix ingredients in order and one by one. If you find that the scrub is too thin add more sugar.

Verdict: Here
a scrub I'm in big quantity ... it pleases everyone. It smells divinely good and leaves skin soft.
I use it once a week, summer and winter. It's one of my favorite recipes!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Cheat For Pokemon Vga

Planning nickel, gestion bouhhhhh !!!

I, who thought he planned everything, be in good timing ... pfff a dream!

Je suis déçue, j'avais pourtant tout prévu, mais je n'avais pas prévu les imprévus (beaucoup de prévu dans tout ça tout de même).

Je devais faire ça tel jour, et ce truc là un autre jour. Ben je me suis retrouvée à faire quasiment tout hier. Début 12h00, fin 20h30 et la pause syndicale, connait pas !
Ben je me suis rendu compte que j'ai oublié tous les conservateurs et Vitamine E :s
Je suis un peu dégoutée, parce qu'en plus j'ai fait de belle quantité.
Ben je pourrais marquer sur l'étiquette : bio, sans conservateurs ni colorant
Ca sert d'avoir une petite tête :D

Friday, December 18, 2009

Suboxone And Lidocaine

Crème peau sensible contre l'hiver

Là Here is this: the cream seems against the cold ...

As I said before, my skin much needed moisture and softness against the cold wind and tingling cheeks.
Crème visage peau sensible

aqueous phase:
- 60 ml infusion of green tea (in association with the cleansing cream and the fact that tea is an anti-oxidant) and thyme (because I have small buttons)
- 1 tsp glycerin
Oily phase:
- 15 g of shea butter and cocoa
- 5 g of lanolin
- 15 ml of macerate
Chamomile - 13 g emulsifying wax
- 3 g of cetyl alcohol
- 2 gte ET rosewood
- 0.4 ml of plant ceramides (but I was disturbed by two fanatics and suddenly it became ch 2, go figure ...)
- 4 gte bisabolol (but again I forgot, still the same fanatics)
- 15 gte EPP
- 5 gte vitamin E

Make the tea infusion and thyme, then strain, add the glycerin and set aside.
Heat the oil phase. When both phases at the same temperature (or nearly) to a water in oil and add the remaining ingredients one at a time, stirring each addition.

I tested for 2 days. My hands love it, but I remain skeptical about my face, I saw small red marks last night. I think there is too much of ceramides and I liked to put bisabolol, but now two jokers go home and come to me from my task ... ben e result here. Well my skin like it anyway;)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Spells To Turn Into A Dragon

Un éléphant en Fimo

I wanted to make a small gift to my zhom because in the family, they are fanatic of an elephant ... good brief pass ... And so I found
this little kit, where you can build an elephant and a hippopotamus. In my head I'm saying is they are going to show how ... Unfortunately I had dreamed. I managed as a large, following the proportions given. I also changed the color because pink for my zhom ...

I present you the little elephant ... on the desk of my zhom. (Look left, there is a USB port, it will give you the size;))
Eléphant en fimo

It's cute, right?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best Athletic Shoes For Narrow Feet Wan High Arch

Crème démaquillante moussante

Time has changed a lot recently and my skin has taken a big hit: S
The tight skin all day despite two layers of cream in the morning ... bof bof
OK, I take the bull by the horns and I'm getting cleaner all for my sweet little face.
I present you the foaming cleansing cream (sorry for the quality of the picture):
Crème démaquillante moussante

I found this recipe on Potions and pans, the recipe here .

This recipe is one of the first that I made. It is extremely delicate skins.

- 60 ml of green tea infusion
- HV 10 ml of castor
- 15 ml macerate Chamomile (homemade)
- HV 5 ml almond
- 7.5 g emulsifying wax
- 1.7 g of cetyl alcohol
- 5 ml of washing base neutral
- 5 gte vitamin E
- 10 gte EPP

Make an infusion of green tea and set aside. Heat
different HV, emulsifying wax and cetyl alcohol. Stir to blend all the ingredients.
Once the oil phase is ready, make a water in oil emulsion.
Once the emulsion is made, you can add the remaining ingredients one at a time, mixing each time.

Verdict :
Le contenant n'est pas génial, eh oui j'ai eu la bonne idée de le mettre dans un flacon mousseur, du coup ça un peu de mal a passer ... Sinon la crème en elle même est très très agréable, je me suis lavée le visage hier soir avec et la peau est douce, ne tire pas, je dirai presque pas besoin de mettre de la crème, mais il faut tout de même en mettre :)
Je dois vous dire aussi que ce matin, j'en ai mis sur mes mains. J'ai les mains tellement sèche en ce moment, que même la crème (le petit M ... biiiiiiiip) ne me fait aucun effet. Eh bien je me suis massée les mains ce matin avec une noisette de crème, je les ai rincées, and were douuuuuuuuces .... um a real delight

Cream Winter is coming soon ...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pritikin Diet In Thai

Tampon personnalisé - By Lillie

is the beautiful stamp that I received. I ordered from the company of elves .
I received there quite some time, but I've had time to shoot.
Tampon personnalisé
To order from elves, just give your drawing as a vector and you order directly from Bri:)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

South Park French Song Nambla

Un peu de news

I do not publish a lot right now, but yet I have full things to show you, yeah got no time to take Photos: dining I need a nice light ...
But it will happen:)

I received my last order from aromatic area. And in among different little thing I needed to continue my gifts, a small bag of benzoin resin ... the result in few weeks:) And you might have guessed, a little tincture of benzoin is in preparation.

few weeks ago, I prepared a little vanilla-cinnamon macerate ... hmmm, I'll soon be filtered. I have almost forgotten in my closet, I do not even know the date when it: s gonna come too:) Soon

also the picture of my purple balm consolidated but vanilla scent:) Well the only problem is that I have to recast again ... got screwed the tube dropped me lip, so he no longer shows the nose of my balm

And yet beautiful things in perspective ...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Removing Virus From Pc Without Antivirus

Qui dit temps hivernaux .... dit maux hivernaux

Yes, I'm getting sick ... pff really not fair, I am well covered, I took lots of homemade soup and full of clementines so how does that happen? I can not answer this question. And besides, it's my birthday this week ... pff! So what?
Cover, protect and make teas with a little thyme spoon of honey to sweeten the gorge. While the tea brews, breathe the odor it emits.
Tonight I'm stronger, a glass of rum with a decoction of thyme, ginger, cloves and cinnamon ... I think I'll be tipsy and I tell you not smell that must have ca ... Finally, if I tell you tomorrow.

If you have any tricks, share! :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kharghar House Buying

En pleine preparation for Christmas!

Not many post now you tell me! Normal
I am busy preparing Christmas presents, so if I reveal what I do there will be no surprise.

Know that I have fun like a little crazy. Yesterday afternoon I started to grub. The menu tips to make the skin very soft.

And tonight, I commend myself. I have some gift to give for birthdays very soon ... Then I must hurry.

I'm also thinking about how to pack my little creations ... Aye aye. If you have ideas, they are welcome.

You have now understood, not much interesting publication in the next month) but after that will be a flood:)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guillain Barre Vs Myasthenia Gravis

Propolis Bath Bombs

I just received propolis ... I'm so happy, that was a while since I expected.

She arrived last night in my mailbox, and opening the package, um this delicious smell of propolis that came to me and tickle the nostrils ...

And I see this by opening full bag and a little more surprise: a lovely candle made from beeswax and form a nice teddy bear. I thank Philippe the Apiary of Grenouillère for his kindness and his little attention:)

Also, I am pleased to announce that the apiary Grenouillère just received a medal for his honey Buckwheat and another bronze medal for its honey acacia honey in the contest of Picardy.

To be continued episode ... Here

Monday, November 16, 2009

Does Tricare Prime Cover Car Accident Injuries


new bath bombs, this time with gingerbread and cinnamon ... um a real treat!

- 1 part baking
- 1 part citric acid (previously reduced to powder)
- 1 part cornstarch
- 1 / 2 share
salt - 1 / 2 from milk powder (here I am mistaken I put 1)
- 1 tsp purple clay
- 10 drops of aroma of gingerbread
- Cinnamon Hydrosol

I recommends that you first put the milk powder. I have placed last, after passing in a coffee grinder to reduce it, what has not worked and in addition the coffee grinder is hard to clean afterwards. The first set
and crush small lumps in order to have a fine powder, then add the remaining ingredients (salt, cornstarch, citric acid, baking soda, purple clay) with mixing.
Begin to hydrolate cinnamon pschitt light on the powder mixture. Should be thoroughly mixed between each addition if citric acid would react immediately.

Warning: the powder mixture should be neither too wet nor too dry. To determine if the mixture is ready, press the mixture, it must stay in shape, like wet sand.

Then add 10 drops of aroma by mixing between each addition ... yes yes you read correctly. This will avoid the bombs deform subsequently as in the photo.

To finalize, I opted for a clip that form balls. In this case, form a mound in the container and fill the clamp. Make sure that the ball is busy, why stuff the 2 holes on each side of the ball, until nothing fits.

Dry the balls formed at least 24 hours.

Verdict: The
ball dissolves well in water and produces a fine effervescence. She colored slightly pink in the water and a pleasant fragrance.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How To Scroll Blackberry Without Trackball

Stick damaged lips

Hello, It happens all

gently to the winter season ... it is cold, the hands are dry, chapped lips and our then? Bin like this!

Ok, you have to fix it and fight the winter to have soft lips. I present to you a stick to treat lips with vanilla ... (I normally just buy the extract;)).
I am inspired by a recipe from Aroma-zone, the only snag is that I am allergic to kiwi and appreciates not necessarily the smell of apricots. Nevermind, I change everything anyway:)
Stick pour lèvres

- 2g mimosa wax (for his honeyed taste)
- 4ml HV Almond (smooth side)
- 2, 5g shea butter (emollient side)
- 1 gte
vitamin E - 10 gte
vanilla extract - a small pinch of copper mica (for variant)
- a small pinch of mica blue (for variant)
- a big pinch of white mica (for variant but to a small point anyway, it's more fun:))

Realization :
Faire fondre la cire, l'huile végétale et le beurre de karité. Une fois que le tout est fondu, rajouter l'HE et l'extrait de vanille puis les micas.
Pour les micas, j'ai préalablement fait mon mélange afin d'obtenir la bonne teinte.

Verdict :
Un stick très sympa à utiliser, facile, il glisse sur les lèvres sans être trop mou.
Je regrette de ne pas avoir mis 1 gte HE de bois de rose (régénérant), dans ce cas, j'aurai mis 1 gte HE lavande également. Un peu déçu par la teinte de la variante, je pensais que la couleur se foncerai plus en durcissant mais ce fut le contraire :s

Qu'en pensez-vous ? Hugs and see you soon

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Panasonic Microwave Turntable Not Turning

Oil Cleansing Anti-


How to remove itself without attacking his skin? And yes, rubbed with a cotton until it's gone ...

I present to you a cleansing oil that can easily get rid of makeup while taking care of his skin.

Huile démaquillante

- 20ml HV Ricin (cleanses and nourishes the lashes)
- HV 10ml Sweet Almond (for softness)
- 10ml Borage HV (anti wrinkle)

Place all ingredients in your bottle. Shake

Before any job toss the bottle. I use a pump bottle of oil recovery, very practical, it delivers one or two hit the desired amount.

This is not my first try, before I made 60% oil and 40% Hydrosol, it gave me a cleanser biphasic very nice. Then I tested a few milliliter démquillant biphasic with foam babassu ... um bof bof. When rubbed with cotton, foam that ...
I would say that this is the new kid;)

And you what do you think?

Hugs soon

Monday, November 9, 2009

Best Blush For Tan Olive Skin

SOS button


Sometimes have ugly buttons, disagreeable to the sight and touch.

I present to you a little simple recipe, which comes in a 5 ml bottle ball, very largely inspired by the blog Malegria (recipe here ).
SOS Anti-bouton

- 35 gte ET lavender (healing)
- 35 Tea Tree gte ET (antibacterial)
- 17 gte ET Thyme linalool (antiseptic)
- 17 gte ET Rosewood ( regenerator)
- 4 gte bisabolol
- HV macadamia

Put all oils Essential (mini) bottle and fill the bottle with vegetable oil.

Verdict: A ro
practice that gets carried away easily. The ball can thoroughly cover the button. Personally, I rarely use my zhom but uses them quite often. He is very effective, the product dries up pimples and helps regenerate the skin. Use morning and evening when button.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How Low Can Your Bmi Become

Gloss Strawberry


Some time ago, I was offered a roll-on with a gelatinous pink sequined ... yes a gloss but a roll-on. The chemical smell was too horribly for me. Neither one nor two, I throw everything content and leaned on the issue.

I do not like gloss mirror of sugar, "and it fits my lips are dry after all. I tested once, pure lanolin ... mouais bof bof. It is not sticky and I love that feeling. I would have a softer texture ... more flexible ... and if I put oil o_O ... why not!

I leave my host of the Little Witch and hop to work ...

- 4 ml of lanolin substitute vegetable
- 1 ml oily macerate
homemade vanilla - 2 gte
beet juice - 1 dash of purple clay
- 1 dash ocher
pink - a few drops strawberry flavor

Put lanolin macerate and vanilla in a bowl and mix well to obtain a homogeneous substance. Add the different micas and / or tan or any other dye progressively and mixing with each addition. Most are mixed, the color develops.

Verdict: Pretty color
cutter for roll-on, which is handy. It delivers the right amount of gloss and wet look is desired, while being very comfortable to wear. It leaves lips soft.
On the negative side, yes, unfortunately there a. In my pockets and the cold weather, it tends to 'freeze', oh no it's not a balm, but it applies less well: s. Therefore the heat in his mid-mine before applying. And also, I think it does not fit, it is probably because I'm always eating my lips (well, the taste is very nice:)) or spread it by moving my lips ... Or maybe gets too ca ... I do not know: s

What do you think?