Ah, rigor! Any program that feels like tightening a belt, keeping accounts punctilious and return to those good old precepts farmers who want that we do not spend the money we did not and a penny is a penny. Obviously this is a dream. A real cure announced that austerity is hard to melt deficits as efficiently as Madoff plucked the sucker. G8 and G20, held in Toronto on weekend deærnier, the rigor demanded by the markets and rating agencies was at the heart of the debate. A summit of which the final invoice amount, according to the Canadian press, to the tune of - brace yourself much attention -960 000 000 euros! Record broken. The same meeting in April 2009 in London had in fact cost "only" 24 million small. Like trees, the tops do not go to heaven, but frankly there is comes close. Even if it served to something, I would not cons, in a pinch.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
What To Do If My Dog Has A Wart
Caisse d'Epargne confident in the future
Bank. Despite the crisis, the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees 2009 report shows a rather satisfactory, with net banking income up to $ 300 million. If his net income has melted like snow in the sun in 2009, due to large provisions, she claims a model with a promising future customer relationship at the heart of its strategy.
The crisis has really left its mark. Not necessarily in the accounts but in any case in mind, the relationship between customers and banks. Evolution deep and lasting, which is at the heart of the strategy of the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees (CEMP) for the years to come at a time when she has just presented its annual accounts. For Pierre Carli, the chief executive of Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees who booked La Gazette du Midi the premiere presentation of these results, in effect, "banks have engaged in a race to profitability and today is a policy that does more to customers. Institutions that do not understand this and do not make this shift will have much of concern in the years to come. " And highlight the mutual model of his own institution, a guarantee of confidence in the future: "Our goal is not to have the best value at any price because we are fortunate not to have shareholders but members.
A net banking income up 3%
An argument that can only fly after a turbulent year 2009 for financial institutions and is at the heart of the strategic project of the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees the period 2010-2013 submitted through the current 243 agencies in the region. A project with the evocative title: "Mutual trust, simply." But before we talk about the future, it is still necessary to review the past year has been pretty good for Pierre Carli, despite many obstacles. "The year 2009 was marked by the worst crisis of the postwar period. Despite a fairly good resistance to aviation, food processing and business services, business in Midi-Pyrenees accused the effects of this crisis. Over the year, the turnover of the industry and construction fell 6.5%, the decline was limited to 1% for the tertiary sector. " In this difficult environment, it was also necessary for the Caisse d'Epargne absorb the trivialization of the Livret A, which has impacted significantly on business as a significant decline in dividends paid by the central result of the collapse of financial markets, the Product Net banking income was up 3% to EUR 300 million (against 292 in 2008). Pierre Carli, he who was at the heart of the storm the president of the local banks, said in passing "as a major regional development, nous avons participé pleinement aux efforts de relance économique. Avec une progression de 19,5 % de nos engagements de crédit en 2009 nous avons démontré notre engagement dans le soutien de l’activité locale. Par ailleurs, avec un montant de 476 millions d’euros d’encours de crédit aux entreprises, la Caisse d’épargne de Midi-Pyrénées a confirmé sa place de partenaire actif auprès des PME de la région ».
Un résultat net de 5 M€ du fait des provisions
Mettant en avant le dynamisme commercial et cette implication dans le développement, Pierre Carli insiste également sur la gestion rigoureuse de l’établissement "The decline in our operating ratio by 2.1 percentage points, after the cost of risk, reflecting the tight control of our expenses." All of which highlight the net result of the credit to a small five million euros (4.9), largely down compared to 2008 (€ 50.1 million) and 2007 (€ 83m) . A decline due mainly to provisions set aside this year for risk and impairment of securities, following the losses of the subsidiary Natixis. "By neutralizing it, the result would have been € 46.2 million. Figures are difficult to explain, especially as the Caisse d'Epargne est la seule banque à ne pas avoir remboursé l’aide de l’État - » mais ça nous coûte 9 % par an » souligne le président du directoire, qui fait que cette année pas de conférence de presse pour afficher les résultats, si ce n’est cet entretien exclusif accordé à la Gazette du Midi.
La relation client
au cœur de la stratégie
Et maintenant ? « Nous nous tournons résolument vers l’avenir, indique Pierre Carli. Au sein du groupe BPCE issu du rapprochement des Banques Populaires et des Caisses d’Épargne, nous prenons toute notre place, fort de nos 131500 sociétaires (108 000 in 2008) by continuing our field activities and outreach particularly in the area of solidarity. " The CEMP and in 2009 awarded more than 1.5 million € in grants to 164 projects related to exclusion. And presented the draft 2010-2013 Strategic present throughout the region and this is clearly expressed desire to put people at the heart of it. And the first customer and his satisfaction: "This is the real challenge in the coming years and our strategy can be summed up in three priorities: to be closer, more enterprising, more efficient. It is also our continued politique de développement, la mise en place de la banque de développement régional (BDR) sur les marchés des PME, collectivités, institutionnels, logement et économie sociale, promotion immobilière, comme la banque de détail (BDD) ». Hervé Chossat
Bank. Despite the crisis, the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees 2009 report shows a rather satisfactory, with net banking income up to $ 300 million. If his net income has melted like snow in the sun in 2009, due to large provisions, she claims a model with a promising future customer relationship at the heart of its strategy.
The crisis has really left its mark. Not necessarily in the accounts but in any case in mind, the relationship between customers and banks. Evolution deep and lasting, which is at the heart of the strategy of the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees (CEMP) for the years to come at a time when she has just presented its annual accounts. For Pierre Carli, the chief executive of Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees who booked La Gazette du Midi the premiere presentation of these results, in effect, "banks have engaged in a race to profitability and today is a policy that does more to customers. Institutions that do not understand this and do not make this shift will have much of concern in the years to come. " And highlight the mutual model of his own institution, a guarantee of confidence in the future: "Our goal is not to have the best value at any price because we are fortunate not to have shareholders but members.
A net banking income up 3%
An argument that can only fly after a turbulent year 2009 for financial institutions and is at the heart of the strategic project of the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees the period 2010-2013 submitted through the current 243 agencies in the region. A project with the evocative title: "Mutual trust, simply." But before we talk about the future, it is still necessary to review the past year has been pretty good for Pierre Carli, despite many obstacles. "The year 2009 was marked by the worst crisis of the postwar period. Despite a fairly good resistance to aviation, food processing and business services, business in Midi-Pyrenees accused the effects of this crisis. Over the year, the turnover of the industry and construction fell 6.5%, the decline was limited to 1% for the tertiary sector. " In this difficult environment, it was also necessary for the Caisse d'Epargne absorb the trivialization of the Livret A, which has impacted significantly on business as a significant decline in dividends paid by the central result of the collapse of financial markets, the Product Net banking income was up 3% to EUR 300 million (against 292 in 2008). Pierre Carli, he who was at the heart of the storm the president of the local banks, said in passing "as a major regional development, nous avons participé pleinement aux efforts de relance économique. Avec une progression de 19,5 % de nos engagements de crédit en 2009 nous avons démontré notre engagement dans le soutien de l’activité locale. Par ailleurs, avec un montant de 476 millions d’euros d’encours de crédit aux entreprises, la Caisse d’épargne de Midi-Pyrénées a confirmé sa place de partenaire actif auprès des PME de la région ».
Un résultat net de 5 M€ du fait des provisions
Mettant en avant le dynamisme commercial et cette implication dans le développement, Pierre Carli insiste également sur la gestion rigoureuse de l’établissement "The decline in our operating ratio by 2.1 percentage points, after the cost of risk, reflecting the tight control of our expenses." All of which highlight the net result of the credit to a small five million euros (4.9), largely down compared to 2008 (€ 50.1 million) and 2007 (€ 83m) . A decline due mainly to provisions set aside this year for risk and impairment of securities, following the losses of the subsidiary Natixis. "By neutralizing it, the result would have been € 46.2 million. Figures are difficult to explain, especially as the Caisse d'Epargne est la seule banque à ne pas avoir remboursé l’aide de l’État - » mais ça nous coûte 9 % par an » souligne le président du directoire, qui fait que cette année pas de conférence de presse pour afficher les résultats, si ce n’est cet entretien exclusif accordé à la Gazette du Midi.
La relation client
au cœur de la stratégie
Et maintenant ? « Nous nous tournons résolument vers l’avenir, indique Pierre Carli. Au sein du groupe BPCE issu du rapprochement des Banques Populaires et des Caisses d’Épargne, nous prenons toute notre place, fort de nos 131500 sociétaires (108 000 in 2008) by continuing our field activities and outreach particularly in the area of solidarity. " The CEMP and in 2009 awarded more than 1.5 million € in grants to 164 projects related to exclusion. And presented the draft 2010-2013 Strategic present throughout the region and this is clearly expressed desire to put people at the heart of it. And the first customer and his satisfaction: "This is the real challenge in the coming years and our strategy can be summed up in three priorities: to be closer, more enterprising, more efficient. It is also our continued politique de développement, la mise en place de la banque de développement régional (BDR) sur les marchés des PME, collectivités, institutionnels, logement et économie sociale, promotion immobilière, comme la banque de détail (BDD) ». Hervé Chossat
Project For A Business Of Garments
Allez hop un peu d’optimisme ne nuit pas. Ne revenons pas sur la défaite des bleus la semaine dernière contre les Mexicains, sur les matches de cette semaine pour savoir s’ils reviendront dare dare en première classe, sur la manifestation contre le projet de loi sur les retraites et l’âge légal pour prétendre à celle-ci, ni sur les inondations qui ont touché Var and their consequences. No, this week marks the arrival of summer, a little optimism that devil! The music festival this June 21 will allow many more or less gifted amateurs to take to the stars, to seasoned professionals to see for once upstaged by musicians on paper and less gifted, naturally less well paid. In short, the space of one evening, will upset the established order to the delight of many and it feels good. This puts the record straight. The weather does not it is also wrong. The sun is back, too.
Allez hop un peu d’optimisme ne nuit pas. Ne revenons pas sur la défaite des bleus la semaine dernière contre les Mexicains, sur les matches de cette semaine pour savoir s’ils reviendront dare dare en première classe, sur la manifestation contre le projet de loi sur les retraites et l’âge légal pour prétendre à celle-ci, ni sur les inondations qui ont touché Var and their consequences. No, this week marks the arrival of summer, a little optimism that devil! The music festival this June 21 will allow many more or less gifted amateurs to take to the stars, to seasoned professionals to see for once upstaged by musicians on paper and less gifted, naturally less well paid. In short, the space of one evening, will upset the established order to the delight of many and it feels good. This puts the record straight. The weather does not it is also wrong. The sun is back, too.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Medical-surgical Nursing Test Bank
Architect Tourism
Michel Jam. Toulouse architect, he created the first four stars of the island of La Reunion, the Palm Hotel & Spa has hosted
the France team football last week.
I t's not every day that we welcome home all of the France team, football players, including medical and technical staff. A rare privilege that Michel Jam has managed to win after many months of negotiations. For their final week of preparation before the World Cup, the Blues have in fact an address at the Palm Hotel & Spa, a four star hotel open by Toulouse three years ago at Little Island in the southern island of Reunion. And that contract that puts a tremendous spotlight on the establishment with no less than 170 journalists have landed on this French island off Madagascar, owes nothing to chance. As did a few months ago the choice made by Nicolas Sarkozy also reside here during his visit to the island. Architect, Michael Jam has designed and built this hotel from A to Z, treating the smallest detail to make an exceptional place. If today with the Palm and Iloha, the other institution he has created here, it may display a little more than eleven million turnover employing 150 employees - "the real permanent employees and full time" he says, the case was far from being won. And he should probably go back in history to better understand the reason for this success. The son of a family of entrepreneurs in the building he grew up in Bourg-Saint-Bernard in the Lauragais following all his schooling in Toulouse where he earned his degree in architecture DPLG. A logical discipline for which it is defined above tout comme « quelqu’un qui aime construire, créer quelque chose à partir de rien, d’une page blanche ». Pendant une dizaine d’années il va ainsi exercer son art à Toulouse imaginant et créant les bâtiments les plus divers, « pas mal de lieux de vie, des bars restaurants, des maisons de retraites, des immeubles, ça marchait plutôt bien » se souvient-il. Son œuvre la plus connue des Toulousains restant sans doute Le Bikini. Mais il éprouve « Le besoin de se réaliser. Né d’une famille d’entrepreneurs, j’avais envie de faire quelque chose pour moi, pas uniquement pour les autres. Il décide donc de « passer de l’autre côté » sans trop savoir dans un premier temps où va le mener la réflexion qu’il conduit avec son épouse, « dans un véritable projet de vie à deux ». Une chose est sûre : il souhaite créer quelque chose dans l’univers du tourisme, tout au long de l’année. « Lorsque l’on a un hôtel en métropole, on est forcément soumis à la saisonnalité. L’étranger, c’était compliqué, l’outre-mer français plus facile ». Après avoir fait le tour de diverses destinations, « où je ne trouvais pas vraiment d’attrait », il découvre La Réunion "With a real potential and tourism in the making". He finds a field in 1992 and three years later by finally settling on the hills above the town of Saint Leu. He built the Iloha, three star hotel with 44 rooms, so that opens in 1996, it expanded three years later and for which he is already preparing a new expansion and complete renovation next year. But there is primarily an architect, not hotel. A project completed soon, he left already on another course and it oversees, leaving the daily management of a director whose job it is. Having identified land above the beach of Grande Anse in the south of the island, he is already imagining what will be the Palm, a luxury hotel with international standards as operates long Mauritius but is here default. A challenge in itself that is double that of the establishment: if the north west of the island is the area where tourism is concentrated with a number of hotels near the lagoon, south, yet the most authentic Reunion is a blank page despite its many advantages including an airport. Leaf Palm white born finally opens its doors in 2007, seven years after he found the place of its location. "It was a real destination to open in completely. It was not fair to ask a hotel but to find a soul to it and its environment. For this kind of project requires a minimum of three or four hectares and the biggest challenge is finding the necessary land and then move all the administrative steps and policies, public inquiries, etc.. And then my job as an architect serves me well as you master these phases. During these seven years, the site itself only lasted a year and a half ... "Without market research, since there was nothing in this area, just with a conviction deep in the body and approach, the project seems completely insane at the time, especially as the construction proceeds in full outbreak of chikungunya, which has literally rolled tourism in the island. "We're on the principle of the resort, an autonomous entity that does not have a supply of the town as a destination previously identified, but rather in the opposite direction of a structure that creates the destination. That's exciting. " After three years of the Palm, the bet is successful a triumph and the arrival of blue directly into the southern island, home, is the expression of as much as it has been accompanied by a fierce local trade war. "In fact, when Raymond Domenech and the staff have toured the facilities of the island before deciding if they would come in the Indian Ocean to complete their preparation, the coach who immediately made our choice of hotel, attracted by the quality thereof and the environment 'says he. If the invoice amount is a real secret defense Jam Michel concedes: "I have a particular price Of course since I privatize the entire hotel, but they pay. Some were willing to stay completely free for them. We was out of question. We have not changed since we corresponded to very precise specifications of the team. " We will not know more about the details of your stay. With many projects already in mind, a new hotel in the south as another a priori too crazy, the volcano in the heart of the park. Also developing the product range of beauty treatments and wellness focus avec son épouse, en collaboration avec des parfumeurs métropolitains, local et suisse. Parcourant le monde avec elle pour dénicher le mobilier unique pour ses hôtels, il revient régulièrement dans sa Ville rose qu’il a quittée il y a quinze ans. Le tourisme ici ? « Lorsque je vois tous les six mois des articles sur la rue Alsace Lorraine dans La Dépêche, j’ai l’impression que Toulouse ne bouge pas trop par rapport à Bordeaux où Montpellier » consent-il. Il n’en dira pas plus, il aime trop cette ville, sa ville, pour la dénigrer.
Hervé Chossat
Michel Jam. Toulouse architect, he created the first four stars of the island of La Reunion, the Palm Hotel & Spa has hosted
the France team football last week.
I t's not every day that we welcome home all of the France team, football players, including medical and technical staff. A rare privilege that Michel Jam has managed to win after many months of negotiations. For their final week of preparation before the World Cup, the Blues have in fact an address at the Palm Hotel & Spa, a four star hotel open by Toulouse three years ago at Little Island in the southern island of Reunion. And that contract that puts a tremendous spotlight on the establishment with no less than 170 journalists have landed on this French island off Madagascar, owes nothing to chance. As did a few months ago the choice made by Nicolas Sarkozy also reside here during his visit to the island. Architect, Michael Jam has designed and built this hotel from A to Z, treating the smallest detail to make an exceptional place. If today with the Palm and Iloha, the other institution he has created here, it may display a little more than eleven million turnover employing 150 employees - "the real permanent employees and full time" he says, the case was far from being won. And he should probably go back in history to better understand the reason for this success. The son of a family of entrepreneurs in the building he grew up in Bourg-Saint-Bernard in the Lauragais following all his schooling in Toulouse where he earned his degree in architecture DPLG. A logical discipline for which it is defined above tout comme « quelqu’un qui aime construire, créer quelque chose à partir de rien, d’une page blanche ». Pendant une dizaine d’années il va ainsi exercer son art à Toulouse imaginant et créant les bâtiments les plus divers, « pas mal de lieux de vie, des bars restaurants, des maisons de retraites, des immeubles, ça marchait plutôt bien » se souvient-il. Son œuvre la plus connue des Toulousains restant sans doute Le Bikini. Mais il éprouve « Le besoin de se réaliser. Né d’une famille d’entrepreneurs, j’avais envie de faire quelque chose pour moi, pas uniquement pour les autres. Il décide donc de « passer de l’autre côté » sans trop savoir dans un premier temps où va le mener la réflexion qu’il conduit avec son épouse, « dans un véritable projet de vie à deux ». Une chose est sûre : il souhaite créer quelque chose dans l’univers du tourisme, tout au long de l’année. « Lorsque l’on a un hôtel en métropole, on est forcément soumis à la saisonnalité. L’étranger, c’était compliqué, l’outre-mer français plus facile ». Après avoir fait le tour de diverses destinations, « où je ne trouvais pas vraiment d’attrait », il découvre La Réunion "With a real potential and tourism in the making". He finds a field in 1992 and three years later by finally settling on the hills above the town of Saint Leu. He built the Iloha, three star hotel with 44 rooms, so that opens in 1996, it expanded three years later and for which he is already preparing a new expansion and complete renovation next year. But there is primarily an architect, not hotel. A project completed soon, he left already on another course and it oversees, leaving the daily management of a director whose job it is. Having identified land above the beach of Grande Anse in the south of the island, he is already imagining what will be the Palm, a luxury hotel with international standards as operates long Mauritius but is here default. A challenge in itself that is double that of the establishment: if the north west of the island is the area where tourism is concentrated with a number of hotels near the lagoon, south, yet the most authentic Reunion is a blank page despite its many advantages including an airport. Leaf Palm white born finally opens its doors in 2007, seven years after he found the place of its location. "It was a real destination to open in completely. It was not fair to ask a hotel but to find a soul to it and its environment. For this kind of project requires a minimum of three or four hectares and the biggest challenge is finding the necessary land and then move all the administrative steps and policies, public inquiries, etc.. And then my job as an architect serves me well as you master these phases. During these seven years, the site itself only lasted a year and a half ... "Without market research, since there was nothing in this area, just with a conviction deep in the body and approach, the project seems completely insane at the time, especially as the construction proceeds in full outbreak of chikungunya, which has literally rolled tourism in the island. "We're on the principle of the resort, an autonomous entity that does not have a supply of the town as a destination previously identified, but rather in the opposite direction of a structure that creates the destination. That's exciting. " After three years of the Palm, the bet is successful a triumph and the arrival of blue directly into the southern island, home, is the expression of as much as it has been accompanied by a fierce local trade war. "In fact, when Raymond Domenech and the staff have toured the facilities of the island before deciding if they would come in the Indian Ocean to complete their preparation, the coach who immediately made our choice of hotel, attracted by the quality thereof and the environment 'says he. If the invoice amount is a real secret defense Jam Michel concedes: "I have a particular price Of course since I privatize the entire hotel, but they pay. Some were willing to stay completely free for them. We was out of question. We have not changed since we corresponded to very precise specifications of the team. " We will not know more about the details of your stay. With many projects already in mind, a new hotel in the south as another a priori too crazy, the volcano in the heart of the park. Also developing the product range of beauty treatments and wellness focus avec son épouse, en collaboration avec des parfumeurs métropolitains, local et suisse. Parcourant le monde avec elle pour dénicher le mobilier unique pour ses hôtels, il revient régulièrement dans sa Ville rose qu’il a quittée il y a quinze ans. Le tourisme ici ? « Lorsque je vois tous les six mois des articles sur la rue Alsace Lorraine dans La Dépêche, j’ai l’impression que Toulouse ne bouge pas trop par rapport à Bordeaux où Montpellier » consent-il. Il n’en dira pas plus, il aime trop cette ville, sa ville, pour la dénigrer.
Hervé Chossat
Why Do I Get Pimples Onmy Scalp
Alors que l’on célèbre cette année les quarante ans de l’organisation internationale de la francophonie, plus que jamais le français recule à travers le monde. Même au sein de l’Europe notre langue est en perte de vitesse. Heureusement elle a encore d’ardents défenseurs, aux quatre coins de la planète. Ainsi, entre autres, de ces députés européens Roumains et Bulgares qui ont pris l’initiative de créer un groupe d’eurodéputés au parlement de Strasbourg pour militer en faveur de l’utilisation de la langue française au sein de l’institution. Des élus soulignant à cette occasion combien « le français est porteur de valeurs démocratiques au cœur de l’intégration européenne ». The first meeting of the French group was held in Strasbourg a few weeks ago. Guess what? There was not a French MEP in the room ... pathetic. Without doubt they had something better to do than to support, at least support those who seek to defend this important element of our national identity, even if they are foreigners. Hervé
Alors que l’on célèbre cette année les quarante ans de l’organisation internationale de la francophonie, plus que jamais le français recule à travers le monde. Même au sein de l’Europe notre langue est en perte de vitesse. Heureusement elle a encore d’ardents défenseurs, aux quatre coins de la planète. Ainsi, entre autres, de ces députés européens Roumains et Bulgares qui ont pris l’initiative de créer un groupe d’eurodéputés au parlement de Strasbourg pour militer en faveur de l’utilisation de la langue française au sein de l’institution. Des élus soulignant à cette occasion combien « le français est porteur de valeurs démocratiques au cœur de l’intégration européenne ». The first meeting of the French group was held in Strasbourg a few weeks ago. Guess what? There was not a French MEP in the room ... pathetic. Without doubt they had something better to do than to support, at least support those who seek to defend this important element of our national identity, even if they are foreigners. Hervé
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