Because we did not all have the chance to inherit the old furniture of our forefathers, the designers decided to create themselves what makes the old style charm of old houses. And if this trend was still emerging recently, one finds today in more and more signs, they are prestigious or not. A trend that comes in different styles.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Black Long Tulle Skirt
Orange: the color of the year 2011! LIBRARY DESIGN
- L'orange se marie parfaitement bien avec le bois foncé comme le wengé, pour une inspiration ethnique et chaleureuse.
- Il est idéal aussi, dès lors qu'il est bien soutenu (de la couleur du fruit par exemple), avec du bois clair pour un style design scandinave.
- Il ira également very well with the metal material: aluminum or brushed steel. It is then, instead of red, the color of a new industrial style.
Contrary to what one could imagine, is a color that is not so difficult to implement in the home.
You do not cut this year! The color orange is back: color hot but also very symbolic of the seventies, it's a beautiful color that beautifully enhances the colors more neutral. Decryption to use it wisely.
Orange: the color of the seventies
Inseparable from the seventies and the advent of plastic, orange is the color psychedelic par excellence when it is associated with patterns in spirals. It is the color of the famous inflatable chair created in 1969 by Quasar Khanh (you know the one that looks like the chair that is put into a pool and sip a fruit juice) is the color of wallpaper that psychedelic one was in the room of our big brothers and is the color of oil lamps rocket. The decor is planted! If you are fan of the pop culture and vintage, orange is consistent when combined with the plastic furniture translucide ou laqué blanc pour un style seventies revisité, à des tapis en fausse fourrure, à des lampes psychédéliques.Orange : comment l'utiliser en déco ?
Mais si votre mobilier est moins marqué en termes de style, il faudra l'utiliser avec parcimonie. Voici quelques règles :- L'orange se marie parfaitement bien avec le bois foncé comme le wengé, pour une inspiration ethnique et chaleureuse.
- Il est idéal aussi, dès lors qu'il est bien soutenu (de la couleur du fruit par exemple), avec du bois clair pour un style design scandinave.
- Il ira également very well with the metal material: aluminum or brushed steel. It is then, instead of red, the color of a new industrial style.
In contrast with neutral colors
In contrast with neutral colors, like all shades of gray, from light to dark gray, black, dark chocolate, orange acts red again! His brilliance, tempered by the yellow, you can create very contemporary color duos. A wall painted in gray alongside a band of orange paint on a large wall, an effect that is insured or loft workshop. Classic, but still bold and timely, orange in contrast with the purple, creates a bohemian in indoor and warm if you're having fun with the effects of tissue: memory, organza and other reflective materials.Contrary to what one could imagine, is a color that is not so difficult to implement in the home.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Does Iphone Have Silent Alarm
Library design MyDNS - signed by Mexican designer Joel Escalona - is a chic and stylish remake of a simple shelf, but with a twist
Made of wood with a lacquered finish color and a rotating base
Made of wood with a lacquered finish color and a rotating base
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Why Does My Pubic Area Is Dark
Large Appliances: 4 new to save energy and water.
Recent years have seen the major appliances to improve considerably in ecology. And each brand continues to offer new still more energy and water. Here are the 4 latest additions!
A washing machine with automatic dosing
Excess washing can cause up to 3 consecutive rinse cycles to remove the foam from the clean laundry, resulting in consumption of 40 liters of extra water per cycle. Overdosing detergent for 90% of households, Siemens i-Dos, a washing machine laundry at that dose milliliter and adjusts the washing parameters depending on the degree of soiling and the type of fabric. (1199 euro + 6 euro for eco-participation)A dryer low consumption
Often accused of consuming too much electricity, the dryer blueTherm A-50% of Siemens consumes the least energy to the world through the heat pump ActiveAir. This tumble dryer consumes only 0.23 kWh / kg against 0.55 kWh / kg for a conventional dryer. (1099 euro + 6 euro for eco-participation)A washing machine that fits the amount of water borne
Avantixx Bosch offers intelligent management of water through technology that ensures perfect adaptation of the volume of water according to the laundry load. These save water and electricity also allow it to be recommended by the WWF. (599.99 euros + 6 euros eco-participation)A dishwasher that consumes only 7l
Dishwasher ecostart Siemens introduced into the domestic sphere zeolite, a proprietary drying technology to achieve large energy savings. She also received in 2010 the German Innovation Award for the climate and environment. The dishwasher also optimizes every drop of water to consume only 7l to a normal cycle. (1419 euro + 6 euro for eco-participation)Tuesday, October 19, 2010
When To Wear A Sweater Vest
Virginia Desarnauts. After a journey that has led the Sitcom AB Productions marches de Cannes in 2004 in a film by Agnes Jaoui, actress Toulouse is now the heroine of The House of Rocheville, historical saga on France 2.
It could be a lawyer. Daughter of Bertrand Desarnauts barrister, lawyer sister, she also has some talent when it comes to defending an idea, a role or project. And these are not accidents of life that made it did not embrace the legal profession. No, just the desire, passion, and many work. For if many actors do not admit it, Desarnauts Virginia, she worked on her a lot. This is also accompanied by that which is truly a mentor, his therapist, Josiane Braem, she meets with you to talk about it, its topicality, its work. A news that could well mark a turning point in the career of actress Toulouse. From 28 September, she will perform in effect Eugenie, one of the leading roles in the new series for France 2, La Maison des Rocheville. A family saga by Jacques Otmezguine, largely inspired by the trilogy of Yann of reckoning. Over the five episodes of the series, we may well follow this woman throughout her life, between 1893 and 1968, Virginia Desarnauts interpreting 18 to 68 years. "It's a passionate woman and scope defending its ideals, and authentic with a great sense of honor. It goes throughout his life to follow his ideas, even going against his time, his environment, "says the actress. And it is primarily the story throughout the course which has attracted in this project which required six months of filming in Bordeaux: "How to retransmit all the way? Interpret ce personnage aux différents âges de la vie ? Comment faire passer les émotions face aux épreuves de la vie, l’amour et le couple, la guerre, un engagement comme résistante avec un fils qui, lui, n’a pas fait ce choix ? Cela a été pour moi un véritable voyage intérieur, une expérience majeure ». Une aventure à des lieues de ses débuts dans les séries d’AB Productions qui, sans doute, fera s’éloigner cette image qui lui colle à la peau. C’est en effet au début des années quatre-vingt-dix que la jeune Toulousaine prend la direction de la capitale et du cours Florent pour devenir comédienne. Repérée lors d’un casting, elle se fera connaître du public à travers les Sitcom vedettes de l’époque, de Premiers baisers aux Années Fac et autre Miracle de l’amour. Le cinéma, elle le découvre en 1995, en jouant dans Jefferson à Paris puis, entre autres, dans Pierre et Farid en 2002, alternant au fil de ces années des petits rôles pour le grand écran à l’instar du Courage d’aimer ou Les Parisiens de Claude Lelouch comme pour des séries télévisées de Navaro à Sœur Thérè en passant par Femmes de loi ou Joséphine Ange gardien. « Ce sont autant d’expériences qui m’ont fait évoluer », souligne-t-elle. Elle se libérera enfin vraiment en Like turning a picture of Agnes Jaoui in 2004, selected for the Cannes festival. "Until this movie, I was labeled the blue-eyed blonde who plays in the sitcom. There, it was really a major turning point, "she says, not without adding immediately:" I do not spit in the soup. AB productions made me work every day which for a young actress, is rare. " However with the film of Agnes Jaoui, the red carpet of the Cannes festival palace, and a true media frenzy around her, she'll probably take the most important decision of his career : Return to base in Toulouse: "I saw very quickly the interest but also the danger due to this film. I had to find the distance and this is my backbone. I started a real personal work that has lasted seven years and who I need. At that time, I told myself that if I wanted to continue doing this job I had absolutely put this into place to better manage my emotions. Like all artists, I find it hard to differentiate my personal and my professional career. We only work with emotions, yet in this business is all or nothing and it can be very destabilizing. " To her, being based in Toulouse allows so much perspective to approach this job like any other, even if play is not neutral. His many experiences outside of the plates, selling or hostess, it also removes a "necessary anchor in reality." And especially do not tell him that six months of filming for House of Rocheville is a long time: "We should not exaggerate anyway. We are privileged. This is much less difficult than for people who face daily problems in the office or fund supermarket ". She embarked on the stage playing Oscar in 2008, admits now moving in this direction from direct contact with the public, including through the song: "I discovered the power of being on stage the first time in 2006 at the Halle to the grain, where I was asked unexpectedly to sing a tribute to Nougaro. I got a huge smack and I really want to continue in this direction. " Thus, after recording a duet with Anthony Chaplain last year, she carefully preparing his next adventure: the output a disc. And as for the song to his job as an actress, she has again chosen to surround himself, to be accompanied by professionals, in this case and Jean Pierre Billon Mora. A string to his bow for doing what she loves above all sincerely, passionately, to convey emotions: "It's another medium. I am an artist, not just an actress, I do not see why I should deprive myself. We are currently working to do something very personal to give this disc a color that really looks like me. " A deep color, sensitive and passionate which boils certainly not alone his blue eyes. Too bad for lawyers, good for the public.
Corn Floor Good Or Bad
The battle of numbers is a classic of social mobilization. In general, the numbers of police and unions vary more or less in a ratio of one to two. And we have other journalists tend to believe that the truth must by definition be somewhere in between. Not in the Tarn. The differences in estimates are so large that the local director of public safety has decided, according to police sources quoted by the daily Le Monde, to enlist the services of a bailiff to catch out those who accuse the police of cheating on the figures. According to the officer, Vialelle Lawrence, the protesters were 4380 last Thursday in Albi, "with a margin of error of 100 persons." The police, she scored in 4200. Unions ... 20 000! Even in Marseille they did not dare. Without doubt an exhilarating effect of the World Heritage listing of humanity ...
Ankylosing Spondylitistnf
Counting Heads in the stars
Yannick Delpech. At 33, the head of L'Amphitryon Colomiers, is at an age when some are just beginning to make a name and hope to win a first star. Itinerary of a two-star Michelin chef who is not.
two Michelin stars, a Gault Millau and gold and not even cook ... no less. Yannick Delpech is an extraordinary character in the small world of gastronomy. At the same thirty-five years he has already made its place in this elite club of top restaurants, at the age when many are just beginning to come forward and hopefully get a first star. And it probably because it is not cook it has already made a career as TGV.
"The problem is that I have had all too young. I still have 25 years to work. What will I do? Either I'm going through and I try to get a third star in the next ten years, I do something else. I do not know yet, "he says with sincerity and authenticity, qualities of its cuisine. Two traits that come without doubt of its origins. Son of Gaillac wine, "with a mom who cooked a lot," he began an apprenticeship in pastry attracted by the aesthetics of this art. After passing by Michel Belin in Albi, he began a tour of France that lasted eight years before reaching the host, in 1997, where he was hired as a pastry chef. The beginning of a story that sounds like a true tale of modern times. The head of the establishment makes her apron and the owner asked Yannick Delpech of the interim offhand. He takes up the challenge and a year later won the first star! "In fact I was up against the wall and I really took a liking to the kitchen at this time. Sure I had to do a lot of crap, but I had no frame, training, and therefore deformation compared to the kitchen, I found myself just to cook that I loved. A kitchen that is chewed, which is eaten. " He admits today that the first star was really a surprise and he has not measured the time it meant everything, "Actually the first star is relatively easy to have and it didn has not much affected than the latter. For there is really a huge step in between. The second star is very hard to get and even harder to maintain. " For the meantime, the owner of the Amphitryon proposes him to take over the case. Something that will be made in 2004, in association with Sandrine Batard, freshly graduated from ESC Toulouse. "We are very complementary and this is probably why it works so well. An institution like ours is, beyond the kitchen, a company that is mounted very, very fast, strong financially and has grown from eight to forty employees in just four years "says it. Une entreprise qui n’a évidemment pas échappé aux retombées de la crise de 2008-2009 avec une clientèle très directement issue du monde de l’entreprise : « En fait nous avons été très directement impactés, mais nous avons bien réagi en faisant ce qu’il fallait faire. Cela nous a obligés à nous plonger totalement dans l’organisation, le calcul des coûts, pour nous adapter. C’est clair que nous avons eu peur, or, à la sortie, nous avons fait une belle année sans doute du fait de notre réactivité. Surtout, nous nous sommes dit que, de toute façon, cette crise n’allait pas durer dix ans. Qu’il y aurait forcément an end and that we should not stop everything. So in the heart of the crisis we have done work in the restaurant for the fully re telling us that it would go back when we were ready. What happened. " Recipe for Success Yannick Delpech, is probably to be found there also, apart from his cooking skills, the art of combining strong values with a sense of long-term certain. Values among them, he started his apprenticeship at fifteen, figured prominently that of labor. And you need when you want to keep a house like this open seven days a week at Throughout the year, also by consulting, as Sodexho at Airbus when abroad. When we met him and he flew to Russia on a mission a few days in a large institution, "because it also allows me to compare myself to other realities." As an eternal apprentice enriched each job. His hobbies now? His family and his son first 18 months and also eating out. Taste, discover, what others are doing. And he admits that as teachers in practicing chefs, Olivier Roellinger to Cancale and Michel Bras in Laguiole, is an ardent defender of restaurateurs, real ones, not necessarily the greatest: "The chefs that last are those that make the classic French cuisine. I'm not a fan of molecular gastronomy and others who are often just ways. In fact, everyone is good food, but those two are the ones who make me dream, which are a constant amazement with real consistency. What bothers me most today is that if you want to open a restaurant and you have enough money to do this is possible, whereas in any other job asks you a minimal training. We meet with people who invest huge surfaces, make a beautiful decoration and where they eat poorly for exorbitant prices in relation to quality. " He who is confident of offering a menu at 29 euros (lunch) in a two-star, is so small and cantor good homes: "There are many in Toulouse who are truly worth. That he must go home. It helps very little young, yet they are the ones who really need it. " With a word of advice: "In a restaurant there is one thing that counts is good where it is not. That's all. " And as it is not a man succumbing to the temptation of fashion will be understood, he does not do like others, a cookbook. "I think of course. But I would have to find a truly original idea. " An apprentice Standing you were told. Hervé
Yannick Delpech. At 33, the head of L'Amphitryon Colomiers, is at an age when some are just beginning to make a name and hope to win a first star. Itinerary of a two-star Michelin chef who is not.
two Michelin stars, a Gault Millau and gold and not even cook ... no less. Yannick Delpech is an extraordinary character in the small world of gastronomy. At the same thirty-five years he has already made its place in this elite club of top restaurants, at the age when many are just beginning to come forward and hopefully get a first star. And it probably because it is not cook it has already made a career as TGV.
"The problem is that I have had all too young. I still have 25 years to work. What will I do? Either I'm going through and I try to get a third star in the next ten years, I do something else. I do not know yet, "he says with sincerity and authenticity, qualities of its cuisine. Two traits that come without doubt of its origins. Son of Gaillac wine, "with a mom who cooked a lot," he began an apprenticeship in pastry attracted by the aesthetics of this art. After passing by Michel Belin in Albi, he began a tour of France that lasted eight years before reaching the host, in 1997, where he was hired as a pastry chef. The beginning of a story that sounds like a true tale of modern times. The head of the establishment makes her apron and the owner asked Yannick Delpech of the interim offhand. He takes up the challenge and a year later won the first star! "In fact I was up against the wall and I really took a liking to the kitchen at this time. Sure I had to do a lot of crap, but I had no frame, training, and therefore deformation compared to the kitchen, I found myself just to cook that I loved. A kitchen that is chewed, which is eaten. " He admits today that the first star was really a surprise and he has not measured the time it meant everything, "Actually the first star is relatively easy to have and it didn has not much affected than the latter. For there is really a huge step in between. The second star is very hard to get and even harder to maintain. " For the meantime, the owner of the Amphitryon proposes him to take over the case. Something that will be made in 2004, in association with Sandrine Batard, freshly graduated from ESC Toulouse. "We are very complementary and this is probably why it works so well. An institution like ours is, beyond the kitchen, a company that is mounted very, very fast, strong financially and has grown from eight to forty employees in just four years "says it. Une entreprise qui n’a évidemment pas échappé aux retombées de la crise de 2008-2009 avec une clientèle très directement issue du monde de l’entreprise : « En fait nous avons été très directement impactés, mais nous avons bien réagi en faisant ce qu’il fallait faire. Cela nous a obligés à nous plonger totalement dans l’organisation, le calcul des coûts, pour nous adapter. C’est clair que nous avons eu peur, or, à la sortie, nous avons fait une belle année sans doute du fait de notre réactivité. Surtout, nous nous sommes dit que, de toute façon, cette crise n’allait pas durer dix ans. Qu’il y aurait forcément an end and that we should not stop everything. So in the heart of the crisis we have done work in the restaurant for the fully re telling us that it would go back when we were ready. What happened. " Recipe for Success Yannick Delpech, is probably to be found there also, apart from his cooking skills, the art of combining strong values with a sense of long-term certain. Values among them, he started his apprenticeship at fifteen, figured prominently that of labor. And you need when you want to keep a house like this open seven days a week at Throughout the year, also by consulting, as Sodexho at Airbus when abroad. When we met him and he flew to Russia on a mission a few days in a large institution, "because it also allows me to compare myself to other realities." As an eternal apprentice enriched each job. His hobbies now? His family and his son first 18 months and also eating out. Taste, discover, what others are doing. And he admits that as teachers in practicing chefs, Olivier Roellinger to Cancale and Michel Bras in Laguiole, is an ardent defender of restaurateurs, real ones, not necessarily the greatest: "The chefs that last are those that make the classic French cuisine. I'm not a fan of molecular gastronomy and others who are often just ways. In fact, everyone is good food, but those two are the ones who make me dream, which are a constant amazement with real consistency. What bothers me most today is that if you want to open a restaurant and you have enough money to do this is possible, whereas in any other job asks you a minimal training. We meet with people who invest huge surfaces, make a beautiful decoration and where they eat poorly for exorbitant prices in relation to quality. " He who is confident of offering a menu at 29 euros (lunch) in a two-star, is so small and cantor good homes: "There are many in Toulouse who are truly worth. That he must go home. It helps very little young, yet they are the ones who really need it. " With a word of advice: "In a restaurant there is one thing that counts is good where it is not. That's all. " And as it is not a man succumbing to the temptation of fashion will be understood, he does not do like others, a cookbook. "I think of course. But I would have to find a truly original idea. " An apprentice Standing you were told. Hervé
Is Kate From Kates Playground Gay
Young Outbreak
The power has always,
rightly wary of youth.
If, by definition it is full of passion and
revolt, it is also
blood of a nation, its sap, its
future. What have we heard
in the debate on pensions
it was a necessity if one wanted
system, leave to our children
. They are the ones who are now just
the street. The government fears a clear
radicalization of the movement of protest and rightly
as we know how they can be unpredictable
. Manipulated?
Doubtless in part by some
certainly not. For they know, them,
how their future is unclear,
between an entry le marché
du travail de plus en plus
tardive, un emploi des seniors
scandaleux qui fait qu’à 45 ans
l’on est déjà un « senior » pour
le Pôle emploi et donc une
retraite repoussée aux calendes
grecques. C’est cela qu’ils
veulent faire entendre, il faut
écouter et, surtout, entendre
nos enfants.
The power has always,
rightly wary of youth.
If, by definition it is full of passion and
revolt, it is also
blood of a nation, its sap, its
future. What have we heard
in the debate on pensions
it was a necessity if one wanted
system, leave to our children
. They are the ones who are now just
the street. The government fears a clear
radicalization of the movement of protest and rightly
as we know how they can be unpredictable
. Manipulated?
Doubtless in part by some
certainly not. For they know, them,
how their future is unclear,
between an entry le marché
du travail de plus en plus
tardive, un emploi des seniors
scandaleux qui fait qu’à 45 ans
l’on est déjà un « senior » pour
le Pôle emploi et donc une
retraite repoussée aux calendes
grecques. C’est cela qu’ils
veulent faire entendre, il faut
écouter et, surtout, entendre
nos enfants.
Dachshund And Sleeping
Maintaining a glass bowl?
Water tap is often very hard, it can easily be reluctant to take a glass bowl. Choose the design and do not be afraid because there are traces of care solutions.
Tip 1: a glass cleaner.
A window cleaner works well but if the basin is strongly influenced by the limestone, it is better to pass on newsprint pad and rolled into a cloth and rubbing alcohol.
Tip 2: a homemade solution.
You can use a home preparation: a mixture of a glass of denatured alcohol, a glass of white vinegar to a bucket of water.
Tip 3: a daily gesture.
To avoid the mass of limestone, making a dry cloth or towel in and around the basin after use. This will prevent the lime from baking!
Tip 1: a glass cleaner.
A window cleaner works well but if the basin is strongly influenced by the limestone, it is better to pass on newsprint pad and rolled into a cloth and rubbing alcohol.
Tip 2: a homemade solution.
You can use a home preparation: a mixture of a glass of denatured alcohol, a glass of white vinegar to a bucket of water.
Tip 3: a daily gesture.
To avoid the mass of limestone, making a dry cloth or towel in and around the basin after use. This will prevent the lime from baking!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sierra The Black Adult Film Actress
Intermarché embarks on the design!
Intermarché innovates and launches Intermarché collection
a line of designer products at discount prices
Always at the forefront of innovation and faithful to his fight against high prices, Intermarché
innovates and launches: Intermarché collection.
Designed in conjunction with the Internet platform for online sales My Fab, this collection
available from September 6 on the internet offer a line of designer products at prices
Focused on consumer, Intermarché collection will
and to make design accessible to everyone.
La qualité et le design à moindre coût
Pour permettre à tous d’accéder à des produits design et de grande qualité, Intermarché s’est associé
avec My Fab, une plateforme internet de vente en ligne sans intermédiaires.
Basé sur un nouveau modèle de distribution, My Fab propose aux internautes select from
different products-all designed by designers, they want to see those for sale on the site. The
ordered products are made in exact amount and sent directly from the factory to
consumer. The deletion stocks and intermediates allows a reduction
considerable cost.
A range of products and distinctive modern
In designing his collection, has chosen Intermarché
among the best-selling My Fab, the 30 products
more qualitative and more original to offer
consumers a wide choice of furniture and objects
From giant ottoman light passing through the chest, not
less than 72 references are thus proposed by the sign.
Available in stock in early September, this collection displays
prices considerably cheaper than the market
and shipping time record 72 hours after ordering
(cons 2 to 3 months for My Fab).
To order, consumers can visit
site dedicated to teaching and
make their purchases online.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
How Long Does Coco Butter Take
Sérum pour cheveux sec et abîmés
Here's a little serum to my hair. The hairdresser, told me recently, "must not abuse it with hair straighteners. Ahhh but I use it: s
Ok, it's time to do something for my hair, my poor dry, damaged hair.
- 20 ml Ricin
HV - HV 10 ml Wheat Germ
- 10 ml HV
Plum - 5 gte ET
Lemon - 3 gte ET
Ylang Ylang - 3 gte HE Geranium Rosat
- 10 of Ceramides gte plant
- 10 gte Protein silk
Place all ingredients in a container and mix.
Verdict: Ben
it works:) Even my zhom tells me I have beautiful hair (when I ask him:)). It is true that my hair is shinier, and less dry. It is only two times I use it but it shows already. 6 small drops in your hair and see the next 3 small drops.
Here's a little serum to my hair. The hairdresser, told me recently, "must not abuse it with hair straighteners. Ahhh but I use it: s
Ok, it's time to do something for my hair, my poor dry, damaged hair.

- 20 ml Ricin
HV - HV 10 ml Wheat Germ
- 10 ml HV
Plum - 5 gte ET
Lemon - 3 gte ET
Ylang Ylang - 3 gte HE Geranium Rosat
- 10 of Ceramides gte plant
- 10 gte Protein silk
Place all ingredients in a container and mix.
Verdict: Ben
it works:) Even my zhom tells me I have beautiful hair (when I ask him:)). It is true that my hair is shinier, and less dry. It is only two times I use it but it shows already. 6 small drops in your hair and see the next 3 small drops.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Bluetooth Manufacturer
Petit cadeaux pour Najwa
Today is the anniversary of Najwa, then I have prepared a small gift basket.
So there:
- Anti-SOS button (Tea Tree, Thyme, Rosewood, cysts)
- a balm for his islands
little feet - a cleansing oil ricin, the Borage and Rosehip
- a bomb Gingerbread
- a sweet cocoa
bath - and a sweet exfoliating and moisturizing
I hope she will enjoy
Today is the anniversary of Najwa, then I have prepared a small gift basket.
So there:
- Anti-SOS button (Tea Tree, Thyme, Rosewood, cysts)
- a balm for his islands
little feet - a cleansing oil ricin, the Borage and Rosehip
- a bomb Gingerbread
- a sweet cocoa
bath - and a sweet exfoliating and moisturizing
I hope she will enjoy
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