Friday, November 26, 2010

Retrieve Ticket From Pnr Of Jetlite

Créer facilement son meuble est enfin possible !

site selling furniture recently launched a revolutionary application on its website up to you. Up to you, you can create your furniture in a simple and fun and you receive it in 2 days only! currently allows up to you two things:

Create a custom bar stool: you can choose from several forms and colors of foundation, peg foot, base etc.. You can even choose the cylinder, which will adjust the stool height. Several million combinations are possible which virtually ensures that your stool will be unique!

Create your furniture simply from 6 elements: use the 6 available items as you wish to create the furniture of your choice. You can actually become the designer of your furniture and create either a table, a TV cabinet or a library: everything is possible! You can even choose to integrate your slewing furniture so that the various elements can rotate. So you can have fun creating an entertainment unit with storage space beacons.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Herpes On End Of Nose

Le silicone, une matière tendance dans la déco.

Mainly used for the composition of the joints in the house, the silicone was not used for DIY jobs. However, in recent years this material with many advantages can be found in decorative objects of everyday life. Focus on the stars to the tunes silicone products ...

Découvert au début du XXe siècle, le silicone vit son utilisation s'accroître avec la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Petit à petit, ses multiples qualités en firent un matériau bien pratique utilisé dans les secteurs de l'automobile, de la construction et du bâtiment entre autres. Depuis quelques années le silicone investit le monde de la décoration.

Le silicone est tout d'abord entré dans la cuisine. Résistant à la chaleur, imperméable, souple et robuste à la fois, ses multiples qualités en ont fait un élément incontournable pour les ustensiles de cuisine. La grande star du silicone dans la cuisine, c'est of course the cake. For ten years, silicone cake molds multiply and diversify with shapes and colors.
Always in the kitchen, silicone combines practicality and fun to containing liquids such as mugs or coffee cups. Bodum is a leading architect of this trend with its colorful silicone bands that can not burn your fingers.
And of course, silicone is also found in cooking utensils such as spatulas, trivets, potholders ...

But the great novelty is the use of silicone for everyday objects outside the kitchen. Pa Design proposes Gumhook pegs and a dock door ooober The silicone, robust and flexible while being playful. Urban Factory invented a computer keyboard silicone pink, soft and playful as well.
designers also seized of this matter at the image of designer Jan Hoekstra offering Made in Design from a small lamp Mood Flame Silicone (less than 15 euros).
The silicone is also found in certain lights like the E27 suspension designer Mattias Stahlbom proposed at Made in Design.

Bref, le silicone a tout pour plaire ! A vous de trouver la déco en silicone qui vous convient !

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Public Transport Masterbate

L’Amérique dans ma déco.

Si le rêve américain a fait rêver des générations de jeunes gens, il s'exprime aussi aujourd'hui dans la décoration. Décryptage des symboles à reprendre chez soi pour tous les amoureux de l'Amérique…

Le drapeau étoilé
50 étoiles représentant les 50 Etats américains sur un fond bleu, white and red, is the symbol flag of the United States. This is largely reflected in the decoration, on stickers, napkins, of cloth hanging on the walls, various boxes ... The stars are also present in the decor, especially this winter at Ikea for example.

The Statue of Liberty
Another emblem of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. This is also reflected on the walls to hang paintings and stickers, but also for the fridge magnets, or ornaments of bed ...

Hollywood cinema is one of the markers of American culture and decoration has taken possession for several years now. All symbols are found as the stars of Hollywood Boulevard, claps of cinema projectors lamps, effigies of film stars like Marilyn Monroe or James Dean ...

New York
She is the quintessential city of the United States, the Big Apple never ceases to be a source of inspiration in all directions! Skyscrapers, yellow cabs, island of Manhattan, are largely taken on paintings, stickers, trinkets of all kinds but also on furniture such as chairs or lamps ...

Basketball is a sports more popular in America and for good reason since it was invented by a Canadian residing in the United States. The decor, there are silhouettes of basketball players for example, on stickers. A detail inspired by basketball: the characteristic shape of shirt numbers of these athletes (on many products Maisons du Monde). They are found especially in the decoration for teens than it is on decorative accessories, furniture or bed linen for example.

Coca Cola
And yes, Coca Cola is also an emblematic product of American culture and there are more and more posters, stickers and other items in a retro style extolling the virtues of Coca Cola. Like Coca Cola Collection Jasmine Teo, a small vintage air in the American tradition ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wireless Spy Microphones

Un nouvel habillage pour Tam Tam stools.

The famous Ottoman Henry Massonnet Tam Tam never ceases to take new looks that make a room still present, and has been for 40 years. The publisher Branex unveils new collaboration with the studio AK-LH.

With a first experience in 2009 with Tam Tam arty version, the studio AK-LH, created in 2008 in Paris, dressed this time the stool for little monsters "Freaks Collection." Between graphic design, painting and street art, the seats of the stools becomes a gallery of colorful portraits of monsters in a refreshing style and offbeat. The rest of the stool is covered with black for a color contrast that highlights the design. The idea: take a fresh look on the Arts Decorative and thus involve art and design in the same object.

In a contemporary interior and a child's room, the Tam Tam is fun! With you to collect all six models (35 euros each).

More information and

Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Stop A Wood Stove

Create a wall of water planted himself.

After the tables and plants plant walls that decorate the facades of buildings, here the wall of water vegetated for interior decorating, custom design by combining modules. For a Zen atmosphere in the house.

This water wall concept was presented at Batimat 2009 for the first time. This is a water wall composed of modules juxtaposed in width and height, each module measuring 60x60 cm. They are designed shale, slate, basalt, one can add or misting fountains and plants in pots.
The good plan is that we can fully design its plant wall through an online design tool on. You choose the size of the plant wall that you want to develop, then select from the categories of modules to equip its wall roller, plants, mist, mirror, etc.Chaque module map is represented by a grid of the wall. In this way, designing a Zen-inspired wall entirely to our liking.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Uncensored Mens Clothes

Confo DECO, the new sign Deco Conforama.

Conforama, teaches public management of the house, decided to expand its offerings and look to urban populations. Because if the brand fits dans les tendances de la décoration et est accessible en termes de prix, sa localisation souvent périurbaine n'est pas évidente pour les habitants des grandes villes. Le premier Confo DECO a donc ouvert ses portes à Lyon dans le centre commercial la Part Dieu le 19 octobre dernier.

Confo DECO a pour vocation de s'installer au cœur des centres urbains et de ne proposer que de la petite décoration comme des coussins, bougeoirs, stickers, luminaires, etc. Si l'on trouve du petit mobilier, les gros éléments de l'aménagement intérieur seront absents. Ainsi, une majorité des produits proposés par Confo DECO sont des produits Conforama, but 30% of the offer will be exclusive to the stores Confo DECO.

For products, Confo DECO remains in trends will be Conforama with accessible design. So we find the urban trends, nature, pop, ethnic ... everything that makes the success of Conforama today.
These are classified in seven categories: living rooms, storage, bathroom, table lamps, night and carpets.
As for prices, they will be low in the image of the ornament reads "Rio" at 29.90 euros, or the set of 18 glasses to 9.99 euros.

Finally, if you live outside Lyon worry, Confo DECO plans to open 3-5 more stores in 2011 ...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Miosotis Drives Milena Velba

Converting bed canopy bed! The composite

Who has not dreamed of having a canopy bed to indulge in style in the arms of Morpheus? Why not revive the romance in your bedroom and turn it into a setting worthy of a fairy tale? Here are some tips.

You can make a normal canopy securely fixing wholesale bamboo stakes on each foot bed with clamps. Then attach the wire ropes between each upright bamboo slip your curtains and you get your famous bed.

That said, it is inadvisable to add more wood studs or metal bed. On the aesthetic point of view, you will not get the desired effect. The best is to fix the ceiling structure to hang your curtains.

Au-dessus du lit, vous pouvez fixer au plafond deux barres à rideaux, parallèles au lit, que vous pouvez trouver dans un magasin de bricolage. Puis, vous y insérez vos voilages et le tour est joué. 

Autre solution : le crochet en métal fixé au plafond auquel vous accrochez un grand voilage par un anneau fin passé au milieu. Vous suspendez au crochet, un cerceau de 50 cm de diamètre sur lequel vous ferez glisser le voilage pour le répartir dessus. En bref, vous allez bricoler une moustiquaire home made ! 

Other formula: hang a picture frame on the ceiling above the bed of course, within which you staple your curtains. Make sure the frame fits in place! Many stores offer decorative bed canopies hanging. The advantage is that in summer they also protect against mosquitoes.

You can opt for a wrought iron sky set against the wall. Everything depends on the design and material of your bed. The most important is that this accessory is in harmony with the decor and style of your room.

Opt for a sheer and transparent end to create a romantic atmosphere in your room, rather a dark cloth.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Corningware Cook Temperature

tile for floors, ceramic tile alternative to. The lamp design

A tile that would arise in a snap or so, it's just a dream! Well, it seems that a quick and effective solution lies in the composite tile self-adhesive, to ask only and without difficulty.

The mineral composite tiles, a newcomer, offers a beautiful alternative to ceramic tiles especially for those who are pressed and which are not handymen. Composed of calcium carbonate and resin, it is 100% recyclable and 4 times lighter than conventional tiles.
And ask her tile becomes simple: the other side of the tile mineral is self-adhesive, it is placed side by side without tools or glue, seal or spider. The tiles rest on a flat surface, clean and dry concrete and clevis avoid placing a layer of insulation. So, we can ask what type of tile 4 times less time than conventional tiles, with an average yield of 8m2 per hour, for those who watch on the wrist!
And if you do not want the edge to edge, then you can opt for tile joints with already integrated and choose from 9 designs simple and contemporary: color cream, chocolate, tobacco ... and XXL tiles of 60x60 cm for a decoration trend.
Note that the model edge to edge with 12 sets of references in natural colors.
tiles are painted and we are promised a great resistance to stains and scratches with a guaranteed 10 to 15 years. In addition, they were rewarded with trophies Home 2010/2011. So I say, it's worth trying this new kind of tile home.

mineral composite tile self-adhesive Gerflor, distinctiveness with integrated gasket, 3mm, € 27.90 per m2 (street price) Elegance and Character, 2 mm, 18, 90 euros per m2 (street price).

More information

Monday, November 1, 2010

Does Anyone Know How To Make Invitations Online


BUBBLE lamp design was designed by David Emery for exul VR 75.
LAMP, lacquered wooden base, 300 fiber optic box 35 cm x 35 cm plexiglass balls

exul VR 75 "is a furniture designer and contemporary lighting fiber optic and led.
You can get a special lighting effect by customizing your fixture.
Indeed, each optical fiber can be positioned as you see fit.