Some time ago, I was offered a roll-on with a gelatinous pink sequined ... yes a gloss but a roll-on. The chemical smell was too horribly for me. Neither one nor two, I throw everything content and leaned on the issue.
I do not like gloss mirror of sugar, "and it fits my lips are dry after all. I tested once, pure lanolin ... mouais bof bof. It is not sticky and I love that feeling. I would have a softer texture ... more flexible ... and if I put oil o_O ... why not!

I leave my host of the Little Witch and hop to work ...
- 4 ml of lanolin substitute vegetable
- 1 ml oily macerate
homemade vanilla - 2 gte
beet juice - 1 dash of purple clay
- 1 dash ocher
pink - a few drops strawberry flavor
Put lanolin macerate and vanilla in a bowl and mix well to obtain a homogeneous substance. Add the different micas and / or tan or any other dye progressively and mixing with each addition. Most are mixed, the color develops.
Verdict: Pretty color
cutter for roll-on, which is handy. It delivers the right amount of gloss and wet look is desired, while being very comfortable to wear. It leaves lips soft.
On the negative side, yes, unfortunately there a. In my pockets and the cold weather, it tends to 'freeze', oh no it's not a balm, but it applies less well: s. Therefore the heat in his mid-mine before applying. And also, I think it does not fit, it is probably because I'm always eating my lips (well, the taste is very nice:)) or spread it by moving my lips ... Or maybe gets too ca ... I do not know: s
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