We now know what sauce they will be eaten in retirement. Like it or not, that is obvious or not, we must work two or three more years. Willingly or unwillingly, the French would have obviously been a reason. But they will more readily they will feel that everyone will be housed in the same boat and that efforts will be shared equitably. That effort is not only on employees is the main demand of the protests last week. But we should also ensure that all employees are treated fairly. What is the bare minimum in terms of equality. But how justified the special schemes concerning assets 500,000 and one million pensioners, reformed in 2007, certainly will progressively from 37.5 to 40 years contribution but should still be able to go 60 years until 2018? The 25 best years as a reference in private cons six months in public? This injustice, there is little noise. Damage. Hervé
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
How Do U Know If A Scorpio Guy Does Not Like You
Discretion was set last December. At celebrate ten years of its existence, the euro was little money on global crisis. If we recognize that the single European currency has, overall, played well enough to shield its role in the thick of it, a few months later, Europe has experienced a genuine historic day. She finally decided to act jointly and to respond strongly to attacks on its currency and some of its members. But history teaches that there can be no divorce between sustainable monetary sovereignty and political sovereignty. At the time of the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, the euro's supporters argued that monetary integration would lead to the harmonization of economic policies. Our rickety Europe took a major shift by adopting a plan to help struggling states. It will only be a compress on a wooden leg so true political union and a government worthy of the name does not come quickly complete economic union. Hervé
Discretion was set last December. At celebrate ten years of its existence, the euro was little money on global crisis. If we recognize that the single European currency has, overall, played well enough to shield its role in the thick of it, a few months later, Europe has experienced a genuine historic day. She finally decided to act jointly and to respond strongly to attacks on its currency and some of its members. But history teaches that there can be no divorce between sustainable monetary sovereignty and political sovereignty. At the time of the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, the euro's supporters argued that monetary integration would lead to the harmonization of economic policies. Our rickety Europe took a major shift by adopting a plan to help struggling states. It will only be a compress on a wooden leg so true political union and a government worthy of the name does not come quickly complete economic union. Hervé
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"Our growth model is challenged" Gentleman farmer
Analysis. Daniel Cohen, a professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure, prolific author and advisor to Lazard, gave two lectures at Toulouse for the supervision of the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees and on the occasion of the General Assembly Agrimip of Innovation. Meeting.
In 2010 the crisis is still there. What are the scenarios out of it?
must first know what we are talking about. The starting point is a crisis as severe as that of the thirties remember it. With a leading indicator: the world trade fell by 20% within six months. Even after 1929 we did not observe a decline of such magnitude. The initial impetus of the 2009 crisis is certainly comparable to the thirties with the financial mechanisms of the same register. But the big difference is that we reacted very considerable and effective.
you think we're out of the crisis ...
Basically yes, if we place ourselves on a macroeconomic level. Most countries with negative growth were the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2008. It is clear that France, a year later, in late 2009 has found a way out of this crisis, admittedly slight, but real. Overall we came out of this dark period much faster than expected because the world has avoided the same mistakes in 1929. If we had, as then, let the banks go bankrupt, it was all over. It is estimated that over this period the losses of financial institutions were in the order of 2 300 billion, the first estimates of the International Monetary Fund had forecast same sur 4 000 milliards, actuellement il ne reste de cette facture qu’un tiers environ. Même chose toujours si l’on compare avec les années trente. À cette époque on a assisté à une forte progression du protectionnisme avec une certaine orthodoxie budgétaire. En 2009 on a vu le poids accru du G20. C’est pratiquement le contraire.
Tout n’est pas réglé toutefois et les conséquences sont lourdes…
La principale des conséquences, outre la montée du chômage, est bien sûr l’accumulation de politiques budgétaires très laxistes dont les effets commencent sérieusement à inquiéter. Nous sommes passés d’un ratio dette Public gross domestic product by 60% to 100%. In the case of Greece it is on something like 115 points. We do not, moreover, we in France, on completely different planets ...
The reaction of the international community it is up to these challenges?
we can see, she has responded well overall, but there are many weaknesses with elements of recurrences that are wondering if we would go back with the innocent enthusiasm again to save the banks if there was to new need. Especially since public opinion is very annoyed. The situation
of Greece illustrates these tensions. The case of this country have been well managed by you?
This is an area of extreme tension. It is dramatic, if not pathological, the way the situation was handled by Europe. There was a strong hostility on the part of Germans who did not want to hear the need to intervene. Procrastination that have in the end it finally became clear that Greece had to be saved if we wanted to save Europe. Having waited and was eventually rated very heavy. However, if Europe had intervened at the outset would have been simpler and cheaper.
This crisis has a way of Europe's bluff?
I think, more generally, this period led to a genuine examination of conscience in the euro area. Be aware, one of the constituent States is threatened by a risk of bankruptcy. For the Germans, for example is literally the horror of being involved in a rescue plan to a state too lax. Europe is re-located and his old demons and it is imperative to overcome the challenges of the future.
A future that looks rather blurred. Our development models are they still relevant ?
Une des principales qualités de cette crise traversée, à toute chose malheur est bonne, c’est qu’elle remet fondamentalement en cause notre modèle de croissance. Un peu à l’image de ce qui s’est passé dans l’immédiate après-guerre. Il a fallu trouver absolument un nouvel équilibre économique et social de marché. Sommes-nous aujourd’hui à l’aube d’un nouveau modèle ? Oui et non. Je pense que nous y sommes entrés, mais il est encore tout jeune. Si l’on compare aux grandes innovations industrielles de la fin du XIXe siècle, notre ère est celle de l’informatique qui a décollé réellement à la fin des années quatre-vingt-dix. C’est un nouveau monde dans lequel nous sommes désormais avec de nouveaux instruments de croissance, de l’énergie informationnelle, de l’intelligence, de l’innovation. Tous ces secteurs seront encore plus importants que par le passé.
Une innovation qui modifie en profondeur les organisations et génère beaucoup d’incertitudes aussi…
Avant l’on devait faire entrer l’innovation dans les productions existantes, à l’image par exemple du développement de l’automobile. Aujourd’hui, elle est dans un espace beaucoup plus en amont de la production. Il y a des tas de business models à développer, l’innovation est à la fois plus folle et moins cadrée. Les paramètres sont très simples : cette innovation génère par définition beaucoup de destruction création d’emplois. À l’image de ce qui se passe par exemple dans la presse ou la banque avec l’irruption des nouvelles technologies depuis quelques années. De ce fait il y a beaucoup d’incertitudes. Il s’agit en fait moins de trouver un nouveau modèle de croissance que d’essayer à la lumière de cette crise de trouver un nouveau cadre dans lequel s’exprimer.
C’est-à-dire ?
On le voit sur le plan social, nous sommes actuellement dans un monde à l’envers avec des situations ridicules Compensation as crazy for soccer players and artists. We must find a new equilibrium. Same thing on the ecology where it is clear that there is a new frontier is emerging. Taking for example the approach of Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, it is clear that it is redefining the publishing industry with its technology and not the other way with a book industry in innovative within it. On this relatively simple business models. In fact, earlier, according to Schumpeter, we had a process of creative destruction of jobs, now the opposite is true with the destruction creative. Interview by Hervé
Analysis. Daniel Cohen, a professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure, prolific author and advisor to Lazard, gave two lectures at Toulouse for the supervision of the Caisse d'Epargne Midi-Pyrenees and on the occasion of the General Assembly Agrimip of Innovation. Meeting.
In 2010 the crisis is still there. What are the scenarios out of it?
must first know what we are talking about. The starting point is a crisis as severe as that of the thirties remember it. With a leading indicator: the world trade fell by 20% within six months. Even after 1929 we did not observe a decline of such magnitude. The initial impetus of the 2009 crisis is certainly comparable to the thirties with the financial mechanisms of the same register. But the big difference is that we reacted very considerable and effective.
you think we're out of the crisis ...
Basically yes, if we place ourselves on a macroeconomic level. Most countries with negative growth were the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2008. It is clear that France, a year later, in late 2009 has found a way out of this crisis, admittedly slight, but real. Overall we came out of this dark period much faster than expected because the world has avoided the same mistakes in 1929. If we had, as then, let the banks go bankrupt, it was all over. It is estimated that over this period the losses of financial institutions were in the order of 2 300 billion, the first estimates of the International Monetary Fund had forecast same sur 4 000 milliards, actuellement il ne reste de cette facture qu’un tiers environ. Même chose toujours si l’on compare avec les années trente. À cette époque on a assisté à une forte progression du protectionnisme avec une certaine orthodoxie budgétaire. En 2009 on a vu le poids accru du G20. C’est pratiquement le contraire.
Tout n’est pas réglé toutefois et les conséquences sont lourdes…
La principale des conséquences, outre la montée du chômage, est bien sûr l’accumulation de politiques budgétaires très laxistes dont les effets commencent sérieusement à inquiéter. Nous sommes passés d’un ratio dette Public gross domestic product by 60% to 100%. In the case of Greece it is on something like 115 points. We do not, moreover, we in France, on completely different planets ...
The reaction of the international community it is up to these challenges?
we can see, she has responded well overall, but there are many weaknesses with elements of recurrences that are wondering if we would go back with the innocent enthusiasm again to save the banks if there was to new need. Especially since public opinion is very annoyed. The situation
of Greece illustrates these tensions. The case of this country have been well managed by you?
This is an area of extreme tension. It is dramatic, if not pathological, the way the situation was handled by Europe. There was a strong hostility on the part of Germans who did not want to hear the need to intervene. Procrastination that have in the end it finally became clear that Greece had to be saved if we wanted to save Europe. Having waited and was eventually rated very heavy. However, if Europe had intervened at the outset would have been simpler and cheaper.
This crisis has a way of Europe's bluff?
I think, more generally, this period led to a genuine examination of conscience in the euro area. Be aware, one of the constituent States is threatened by a risk of bankruptcy. For the Germans, for example is literally the horror of being involved in a rescue plan to a state too lax. Europe is re-located and his old demons and it is imperative to overcome the challenges of the future.
A future that looks rather blurred. Our development models are they still relevant ?
Une des principales qualités de cette crise traversée, à toute chose malheur est bonne, c’est qu’elle remet fondamentalement en cause notre modèle de croissance. Un peu à l’image de ce qui s’est passé dans l’immédiate après-guerre. Il a fallu trouver absolument un nouvel équilibre économique et social de marché. Sommes-nous aujourd’hui à l’aube d’un nouveau modèle ? Oui et non. Je pense que nous y sommes entrés, mais il est encore tout jeune. Si l’on compare aux grandes innovations industrielles de la fin du XIXe siècle, notre ère est celle de l’informatique qui a décollé réellement à la fin des années quatre-vingt-dix. C’est un nouveau monde dans lequel nous sommes désormais avec de nouveaux instruments de croissance, de l’énergie informationnelle, de l’intelligence, de l’innovation. Tous ces secteurs seront encore plus importants que par le passé.
Une innovation qui modifie en profondeur les organisations et génère beaucoup d’incertitudes aussi…
Avant l’on devait faire entrer l’innovation dans les productions existantes, à l’image par exemple du développement de l’automobile. Aujourd’hui, elle est dans un espace beaucoup plus en amont de la production. Il y a des tas de business models à développer, l’innovation est à la fois plus folle et moins cadrée. Les paramètres sont très simples : cette innovation génère par définition beaucoup de destruction création d’emplois. À l’image de ce qui se passe par exemple dans la presse ou la banque avec l’irruption des nouvelles technologies depuis quelques années. De ce fait il y a beaucoup d’incertitudes. Il s’agit en fait moins de trouver un nouveau modèle de croissance que d’essayer à la lumière de cette crise de trouver un nouveau cadre dans lequel s’exprimer.
C’est-à-dire ?
On le voit sur le plan social, nous sommes actuellement dans un monde à l’envers avec des situations ridicules Compensation as crazy for soccer players and artists. We must find a new equilibrium. Same thing on the ecology where it is clear that there is a new frontier is emerging. Taking for example the approach of Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, it is clear that it is redefining the publishing industry with its technology and not the other way with a book industry in innovative within it. On this relatively simple business models. In fact, earlier, according to Schumpeter, we had a process of creative destruction of jobs, now the opposite is true with the destruction creative. Interview by Hervé
Friday, May 7, 2010
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William Bardin . It operates the Castle at Cayx Luzech in the Lot, vineyard owned by his uncle, the Prince Consort of Denmark, and has opened four stores in this brand in China.
And four. While the Shanghai World Expo attracts the eyes of the world by displaying the power of the Middle Kingdom, William Bardin savoring the opening of the fourth boutique "Cayx Castle" in China. Here in Wenzhou, "small town ten million people "in the suburbs of Shanghai, the Chinese discovered the charms of the art of French living. In a luxurious and romantic high-end, they are enjoying since the end of last year's wines Cayx Castle, which is operated Luzech in the Lot. An area of 21 acres owned by his uncle, Prince Consort of Denmark, which has to stay there regularly with his wife Queen Margrethe II. Just walk with William Bardin vineyards and let him speak of terroir, the wines of Cahors, Malbec and unconventional qualities of it to understand how it is a true lover of the earth and what it produces better thanks to the expertise of men. A love that is rooted in childhood alongside his grandfather Andre de Laborde de Monpezat, Henrik's father, Prince of Denmark. Born in 1960 in Cahors, Guillaume Bardin has indeed spent six years with his grandparents in the Lot, six years have marked him forever: "An exciting childhood at the farm where we trod the wine and foot it was the common thread throughout my life. During this period I told myself: I, too, one day I want to be able to create or buy a domain. " After studying at Toulouse Caousou then to university where he obtained a license (AES Economic and Social Administration), he turned naturally to the world of wine. A first job at a company in Cahors determinant. "They had the foresight to send me an internship at Robert Mondavi in the U.S., and it was a revelation from the genius" he recalls. We are indeed at the dawn of a revolution. He attended as a spectator to the association of it with Philippe de Rothschild to create Opus One, "this is que j’ai compris ce qu’allait être la déferlante des vins de cépages » se souvient-il. Paradoxalement, c’est en ces terres américaines qu’il découvre le Malbec et cultive le goût de l’excellence et du professionnalisme made in USa. De retour en France il fait son rapport à son employeur, persuadé qu’il faut lancer une marque en communiquant sur ce cépage « qui est une véritable diva ». Il effectue ensuite un passage « enquiquinant » dans une banque à Paris et met le cap sur Londres où il travaille deux ans avec un importateur de vins d’Afrique du Sud. « C’était passionnant mais je suis parti trop tôt. Two years after my departure was the end of apartheid, the country's openness and the friend with whom I worked made a fortune. " William, himself, returned to his native South West and the looming year 1991 is going to change his life forever: "I was still unemployed with the objective of creating a domain or buy but no money. In fact it was love that saved me "he recalls. He met in fact that would become his wife, Laura, moved to Paris with her that is rapidly expecting their first child and joined Baron Philippe de Rothschild. He remained there fifteen years, different positions to finish senior officer in charge of major accounts. After spending six years in Champagne, it is finally in his beloved Toulouse, where he started his own business of marketing wine that still works. In 2007 his uncle, owner of Castle Cayx since 1974, it offers a solution for the sale of wine that was previously assigned to a distributor and was in fact true fallow. "I went for a chair, two sawhorses and a tray to make me an office and we started like that. It was hard because we had to start from scratch but I knew cela ne pouvait que fonctionner car il y avait le château, magnifique, un terroir exceptionnel, du très bon vin et une belle signature. Il n’y avait aucune raison que cela ne marche pas ». À l’époque le domaine ne réalise que 250 000 euros de chiffre d’affaires et perd de l’argent. Trois ans plus tard le résultat est positif et le chiffre est monté à plus de 800 000 euros avec 150 000 bouteilles produites par an. Si environ 50 % de la production part au Danemark, la Chine en achète désormais près de 30 %. L’ambition étant de développer la marque Château de Cayx à l’image de ce que peut être l’enseigne Nicolas, en offering his own wine course but also a selection of other vineyards. It's a contact with the leaders of the group Paris Store, the number one European imported Asian products, he knew they start when he was at Philippe de Rothschild, who opened the doors of China . "Now I do not know how far it will go but the potential is huge. We have not done any marketing plan and proceed in stages but things are going very fast. " In June also open the fifth store in Shanghai. In its stores to the image of a dining room Castle, the Chinese love the atmosphere in fact historical monarchy. "We also had a tremendous advertising at the inauguration of the first shop. Prince Henrik, who is Eastern languages, has indeed attracted the media by speaking in Mandarin and we had an enormous impact. " Beyond this Chinese adventure, he wants to raise his wine "in the courtyard of the very large" and is passing fierce defender not only of wine but more broadly of the agricultural world: "It is clear that he suffers terribly . We talk about fair trade, purchasing power, management territory and left completely up being farmers. I do not understand and it hurts me. In wine, for example, we are the world leader, second contributor to the French export behind Airbus jobs not be outsourced and we do not even have a secretary of state. On one side a world that is starving and we let our farmers die of their work. It's incomprehensible. " Hervé
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The Office of the Prime Minister announced last Thursday the government spending will be frozen in value over the next three years. The only operational expenditure of the State "will decrease by 10% in three years with a 5% decrease from 2011. An effort of similar magnitude will be asked the operators of the state "said the press release announcing these goals. The message is meant strong, reassuring markets, rating agencies or the European Commission: the French government will tighten the belt giving the example of the necessary rigor to return to government deficits less abysmal. Bravo. François Fillon moreover, warned: "It will take hard decisions." Difficult yes, but for whom? For those who take them or those who suffer? If the belt of the state must surely be tight, and there is much room including the highest peaks of the latter, attention to what the French, already on edge, too stifle. These belts are not there and resilient too tight they can crack suddenly and violently, which is never desirable. Hervé
The Office of the Prime Minister announced last Thursday the government spending will be frozen in value over the next three years. The only operational expenditure of the State "will decrease by 10% in three years with a 5% decrease from 2011. An effort of similar magnitude will be asked the operators of the state "said the press release announcing these goals. The message is meant strong, reassuring markets, rating agencies or the European Commission: the French government will tighten the belt giving the example of the necessary rigor to return to government deficits less abysmal. Bravo. François Fillon moreover, warned: "It will take hard decisions." Difficult yes, but for whom? For those who take them or those who suffer? If the belt of the state must surely be tight, and there is much room including the highest peaks of the latter, attention to what the French, already on edge, too stifle. These belts are not there and resilient too tight they can crack suddenly and violently, which is never desirable. Hervé
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