Doctor stress
Florence Bénichoux. Médecin, spécialiste de la communication médicale, elle a créé
E lle a déjà vécu plusieurs vies, mais avec une seule et même quête. Celle de l’autre. Florence Bénichoux est médecin et, surtout, passionnée par l’humain. C’est pour celà qu’elle s’inscrit en fac de médecine à Nancy, sa ville natale. Comme elle n’est pas femme à se contenter de peu, outre son doctorat en médecine générale et une spécialisation en médecine légale comme en réparation legal injury, it follows the course of political science, first to Nancy and Paris, becoming one of the passage of the French specialists in health economics. In the second year of medicine, it has to finance his studies. And as she enjoys sharing knowledge, popularize, the best sense of the word, she launched into journalism, to the pellet. It will create the first few pages devoted to health and medicine on behalf of Republican Lorrain and the various ways members of the union of the regional daily press and will also work with health pages of the World. It will draw Moreover, his thesis on the medical information in mass media and about the AIDS cases. His first life as a doctor, she is acting primarily as a liberal and Cancer Hospital in Nancy. "Obviously I saw many people die. I've seen, especially, there was never a single solution but, again, a multisectoral approach, a sum of solutions to implement. I was very young, and in these services, we are still facing a failure, "she recalls. This is probably the origin of the second half of their careers. Who want "more of life," she takes a radical turn and joined an advertising agency specializing in health: "I learned that new job first and then to Nancy to Paris. In fact I could express what is probably my only quality, a big spirit of synthesis. Or how from a very big file technique to 20 pages understandable by the greatest number. " It is also a big culture shock. She, the outcome of a scientific community by definition highly regulated, supervised, serious discovers a world "very irrationnel, très créatif » et très efficace dans des agences comme MK et Taxi jaune. Elle sera ainsi à l’origine de la première grande campagne de publicité pour la Sécurité sociale, en 1992, qui est restée dans les mémoires, « La sécu c’est bien, en abuser ça craint ». Repérée par un cabinet de chasseur de tête, elle intègre le groupe américain Torrent, l’un des leaders du secteur, dont elle sera la directrice générale pendant sept ans. Parcourant le monde, toujours entre deux avions, elle est à l’époque presque la caricature de la working girl. Travaillant quinze heures par day, she discovers, in passing how much France is lagging behind in terms of prevention: "We are always with us very well cared for when making a stroke, but to avoid it is better to live elsewhere." Managing very large budgets, it is, among other things, responsible for launching the famous Viagra in Europe and work for very large pharmaceutical and food processing, Danone Pierre Fabre through Unilever, Lesieur, L'Oreal and Roche. A hypercompetitive world will catch up. The agency changes its shareholder and she finds herself rejected. A few months later she made a big burnout. It will more than eight months to recover, taking the very substance of its third life, that of an entrepreneur. "While I had all the cards, I was a doctor, I did not see it coming. Yet all the red lights were on stress. " The idea of creating a diagnostic tool then germ in his mind, "since, in terms of stress we are still in denial. The victim does not realize that it is in the red zone until it is too late, and the entrepreneur is also often dans une posture de déni total ». Abordé soit par l’angle psychologique s’intéressant uniquement à l’individu et à sa souffrance au travail dans les années quatre-vingt, soit en terme purement organisationnel dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, le stress au travail est en fait peu mesuré globalement. « C’est comme pour le cancer, il n’y a pas de solution unique, mais tout un tas de solutions à mettre en place. Encore faut-il, d’abord, qu’un diagnostic soit posé ». Après avoir créé sa société de conseil en communication, Add Human Cie en 2001, travaillant avec de grands comptes de la pharmacie as the food and number of institutional, it launched in 2007 Better Human Co. A venture with an osteopath of her friends, Nicole Dutheil, to develop the website A tool for the general public but also for businesses, which allows via anonymous questionnaires and individualized establish a diagnosis of stress level of each question, but more importantly, to take stock of the company's situation in a scientific manner . "It becomes a tool of social dialogue as management and the social partners may well be in denial or posture. When you have 93% of employees qui indiquent un certain niveau de stress, on ne peut pas dire que celà n’existe pas » souligne-t-elle. Et le marché est aujourd’hui existant. Les vagues de suicides chez Renault ou France Télécom sont passées par là. Le ministère du Travail a pris le problème à bras-le-corps et la reconnaissance de la responsabilité des entreprises dans la prévention du stress est aujourd’hui actée. « On a mis 40 ans à bâtir une véritable médecine pour le physique du salarié. Nous sommes aujourd’hui au tout début, enfin, de la prise en compte de la santé mentale de celui-ci et Météostress est un des premiers outils de celle-ci. Lorsque l’on mesure les choses, elles existent et, ensuite, on peut les traiter ». Une offre qui rencontre aujourd’hui une demande. Météostress vient en effet de signer son premier très gros contrat avec Atos Origin pour mesurer le stress de ses 15 000 salariés. Et ce n’est qu’un début. Peut-être, un jour, verra-t-on des entreprises labellisées par ce qui fait la passion de Florence Bénichoux, la HQH, haute qualité humaine.
Hervé Chossat
Friday, February 4, 2011
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Si encore l’imbécile qui scie la branche sur laquelle il se trouve ne faisait que se blesser lui-même, l’histoire serait plutôt drôle. Mais lorsqu’ils sont une poignée à mettre en péril des pans entiers de l’économie, à jouer avec l’avenir et les emplois de milliers de personnes en se regardant complaisamment leur pauvre petit nombril de privilégié, ça suffit ! Non ce ne sont pas des traders. Ce sont des ouvriers, dûment estampillés CGT et la logique de l’avidité est la même. La cour des comptes, inlassablement, rend rapport sur rapport pour dénoncer le scandale de la gestion des ports français. Une fois de plus, cette semaine, elle va le faire, où l’on apprend, entre autres détails hallucinants, que le salaire des dockers atteint facilement les 4 000 euros net, a portiquier Marseille ... three working an average actual hours per day! And they claimed from earlier retirement due to a hardship which, to listen, would be the same as when they unloaded the boats back man! Unionism, corporatism, mafia system or outright stupidity? Whether to pass for a fool by remaining silent than to open it, leaving no doubt about it, dockers, they have chosen their camp. Chossat Hervé
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Fools Shower multimedia
Stamoo, company founded by three young engineers of ICAM,
brings high tech in the bathroom.
If there is one area that has not yet been invaded by new technology is ... the bathroom. Finally for now because the three founders of Stamoo are poised to revolutionize the art of the shower. Benoit Vidal, Omar RegB and Mathieu Calvo, three young engineers ICAM Toulouse after a year and a half of hard work, because throw their find: an electronic mixer coupled to a multimedia interface to change the art of showering and bath. Exit the old faucet, way to a touch screen to surf, listen to music, read emails and more. But above all, thanks to this product resolutely targeted upscale, time is the ultrapersonnalisation with individualized management profiles to optimize comfort as the amount of water. What began as a project developed as part of their fourth year, the ICAM is now a reality. For Stamoo, housed within the incubator of Midi-Pyrenees and winner of numerous competitions entrepreneurship and innovation, the demonstrator désormais réalisé, les tests sont en cours et les trois mousquetaires de la douche high-tech espèrent passer très prochainement en phase de pré-industrialisation. Hôtels et structures dédiées au bien-être, constructeurs de yacht de luxe, aéronautique haut de gamme, habitat neuf ou ancien, les trois hommes sont persuadés que leur produit peut largement décoller en France comme à l’international puisque surfant sur les tendances lourdes des nouvelles technologies, de la gestion intelligente de l’eau comme du service à la personne. H. C.
Stamoo, company founded by three young engineers of ICAM,
brings high tech in the bathroom.
If there is one area that has not yet been invaded by new technology is ... the bathroom. Finally for now because the three founders of Stamoo are poised to revolutionize the art of the shower. Benoit Vidal, Omar RegB and Mathieu Calvo, three young engineers ICAM Toulouse after a year and a half of hard work, because throw their find: an electronic mixer coupled to a multimedia interface to change the art of showering and bath. Exit the old faucet, way to a touch screen to surf, listen to music, read emails and more. But above all, thanks to this product resolutely targeted upscale, time is the ultrapersonnalisation with individualized management profiles to optimize comfort as the amount of water. What began as a project developed as part of their fourth year, the ICAM is now a reality. For Stamoo, housed within the incubator of Midi-Pyrenees and winner of numerous competitions entrepreneurship and innovation, the demonstrator désormais réalisé, les tests sont en cours et les trois mousquetaires de la douche high-tech espèrent passer très prochainement en phase de pré-industrialisation. Hôtels et structures dédiées au bien-être, constructeurs de yacht de luxe, aéronautique haut de gamme, habitat neuf ou ancien, les trois hommes sont persuadés que leur produit peut largement décoller en France comme à l’international puisque surfant sur les tendances lourdes des nouvelles technologies, de la gestion intelligente de l’eau comme du service à la personne. H. C.
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Thales or the consolidated
L’année écoulée aura été une année particular to Thales Alenia Space. Indeed, at the balance sheet, 2010, presented last week at the Toulouse site of the company, Henry Pike said "a strong balance sheet" marked by the achievement of two major flagship programs, under negotiation long: Iridium and MTG. The mega contract with the American Iridium is the construction of 81 satellites, mobile telephone for a total of about two billion dollars, allowing Thales Alenia Space to gain credibility in the field of unique constellations satellite. The other large contract that has marked the last year for which the company will also prime contractor, is for the supply of European agencies meteorology Meteosat Third Generation (MTG). In this case, six satellites to be built in partnership with German OHB, for a total value of around 1.3 billion euros. Two major contracts then, but the immediate benefits rather weak in terms of work load they will be spread over several years, "until 2017 for Iridium" Henry has said Pike. The head of the Toulouse site of Thales Alenia Space was present for the last time the presentation of annual results since, claiming his pension rights, it is now replaced by Dominique Rousselet (the cons) who has held various positions within company for 25 years. Vice-president, business segment integrated navigation and communications, this graduate of the Graduate School of electricity from Paris and the Institute of Business Administration from Toulouse, was, among others, director of the Galileo Ground Mission Segment and responsible Department payloads.
A base load balanced between Toulouse and Cannes
This past year has been quite positive overall, is also marked by the revival of several contracts impacted by the financial crisis as the program Yamal 400 for the Russian Gazprom Space Systems, which was finally able to start or the one with O3b Networks with funding for the construction of eight satellites was completed. A constellation designed to provide broadband access through space to the three billion people who do not have today. Ultimately it is a good year has highlighted Henri Brochet, "with a base load balanced between Toulouse and Cannes on the five years that sustain the activity." Despite this, the future remains uncertain in terms of growth into perspective does one at Thales Alenia Space, "Due to fierce market competition and reduction in institutional budgets, it is very important to continue to win contracts and make continuous efforts for competitiveness. Our goal is not to decrease light because even if the figures are not consolidated, our turnover will be roughly equivalent to that of 2009, around two billion euros ".
Hervé Chossat
L’année écoulée aura été une année particular to Thales Alenia Space. Indeed, at the balance sheet, 2010, presented last week at the Toulouse site of the company, Henry Pike said "a strong balance sheet" marked by the achievement of two major flagship programs, under negotiation long: Iridium and MTG. The mega contract with the American Iridium is the construction of 81 satellites, mobile telephone for a total of about two billion dollars, allowing Thales Alenia Space to gain credibility in the field of unique constellations satellite. The other large contract that has marked the last year for which the company will also prime contractor, is for the supply of European agencies meteorology Meteosat Third Generation (MTG). In this case, six satellites to be built in partnership with German OHB, for a total value of around 1.3 billion euros. Two major contracts then, but the immediate benefits rather weak in terms of work load they will be spread over several years, "until 2017 for Iridium" Henry has said Pike. The head of the Toulouse site of Thales Alenia Space was present for the last time the presentation of annual results since, claiming his pension rights, it is now replaced by Dominique Rousselet (the cons) who has held various positions within company for 25 years. Vice-president, business segment integrated navigation and communications, this graduate of the Graduate School of electricity from Paris and the Institute of Business Administration from Toulouse, was, among others, director of the Galileo Ground Mission Segment and responsible Department payloads.
A base load balanced between Toulouse and Cannes
This past year has been quite positive overall, is also marked by the revival of several contracts impacted by the financial crisis as the program Yamal 400 for the Russian Gazprom Space Systems, which was finally able to start or the one with O3b Networks with funding for the construction of eight satellites was completed. A constellation designed to provide broadband access through space to the three billion people who do not have today. Ultimately it is a good year has highlighted Henri Brochet, "with a base load balanced between Toulouse and Cannes on the five years that sustain the activity." Despite this, the future remains uncertain in terms of growth into perspective does one at Thales Alenia Space, "Due to fierce market competition and reduction in institutional budgets, it is very important to continue to win contracts and make continuous efforts for competitiveness. Our goal is not to decrease light because even if the figures are not consolidated, our turnover will be roughly equivalent to that of 2009, around two billion euros ".
Hervé Chossat
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ATR: strong growth ahead
ATR smile. The European manufacturer of regional turboprops has announced on 20 January in Paris, a doubling of orders in 2010 compared to the previous year. Ultimately it is for 80 new aircraft that were ordered last year to ATR, orders accompanied by 33 options taken. Turnover for the year 2010 shows him at 1.35 billion dollars, almost three times more than in 2005. Under the direction of ATR is clear: "These results reflect the first signs of recovery in the aerospace business." A year which also rather positive, and most importantly, be prepared to reach a new level of growth since 2012 with an ambitious goal: to deliver around 70 aircraft per year and reach a turnover of 1.8 billion. It is true that the market is expanding. In recent years, turboprops have clearly dominated the regional market with over 75% of ventes et une demande forte pour ces avions offrant de faibles coûts d’exploitation. Une tendance lourde qui devrait s’accentuer avec une augmentation prévue du coût du carburant et l’émergence de nouvelles contraintes environ-nementales en Europe notamment. À cette occasion, Filippo Bagnato, président exécutif d’ATR, a indiqué : « Les prévisions de marché en matière de turbopropulseurs sont de presque 3 000 avions dans les vingt prochaines années, dont 60 % destinés à de la croissance de flotte et 40 % au remplacement d’avions. Notre objectif est de confirmer notre position de leader sur le marché du turboprop, avec plus de 50 % de parts de marché ».
2,5 milliards d’euros de commandes
L’année écoulée est d’ailleurs significative. Si ATR a enregistré des commandes pour 80 nouveaux appareils auprès de 12 clients, parmi ceux-ci cinq sont de nouveaux clients et ont commandé un total de 45 avions, soit 56 % des commandes. En incluant les options c’est donc un peu moins de 2,5 milliards d’euros de commandes que le constructeur basé à Toulouse a engrangés. Des chiffres qui ne peuvent évidemment que contenter Filippo Bagnato : « Je suis ravi qu’ATR ait retrouvé sa croissance […] Nous avons enregistré des commandes significatives auprès de ces nouveaux clients en Amérique latine et dans la région des Caraïbes, et avons également reçu la confiance de loueurs tels qu’Air Lease Corporation, renforçant ainsi notre présence mondiale. Nous avons aujourd’hui des bases solides qui nous permettent de nous préparer à franchir de nouvelles étapes ». ATR a ainsi terminé l’année avec un carnet de commandes fort de 159 appareils, et réalisant une augmentation importante par rapport à 2009 (136 avions), représentant trois années de production au rythme actuel de livraison. En 2011 ATR obtiendra certification for version "600" of its two models. Delivery is expected in mid-year, while the first ATR 45-600 will be delivered before the end of the year according to management.
World Leader on a growing market
A device that will feature a new cabin designed specifically for ATR by Italian designer Giugiaro. The company, a world leader from a equal partnership between Alenia Aeronautica (Finmeccanica group) and EADS wants to reinforce this first place worldwide. According to Filippo Bagnato, "he is a strong commercial potential for ATR in the South-East Asia, India and Latin America [...] and also in other emerging economies. In addition there is a strong potential for fleet renewal in mature markets. We have a real advantage by offering a family of aircraft known for their low operating costs and environmental friendliness. "
Hervé Chossat
ATR smile. The European manufacturer of regional turboprops has announced on 20 January in Paris, a doubling of orders in 2010 compared to the previous year. Ultimately it is for 80 new aircraft that were ordered last year to ATR, orders accompanied by 33 options taken. Turnover for the year 2010 shows him at 1.35 billion dollars, almost three times more than in 2005. Under the direction of ATR is clear: "These results reflect the first signs of recovery in the aerospace business." A year which also rather positive, and most importantly, be prepared to reach a new level of growth since 2012 with an ambitious goal: to deliver around 70 aircraft per year and reach a turnover of 1.8 billion. It is true that the market is expanding. In recent years, turboprops have clearly dominated the regional market with over 75% of ventes et une demande forte pour ces avions offrant de faibles coûts d’exploitation. Une tendance lourde qui devrait s’accentuer avec une augmentation prévue du coût du carburant et l’émergence de nouvelles contraintes environ-nementales en Europe notamment. À cette occasion, Filippo Bagnato, président exécutif d’ATR, a indiqué : « Les prévisions de marché en matière de turbopropulseurs sont de presque 3 000 avions dans les vingt prochaines années, dont 60 % destinés à de la croissance de flotte et 40 % au remplacement d’avions. Notre objectif est de confirmer notre position de leader sur le marché du turboprop, avec plus de 50 % de parts de marché ».
2,5 milliards d’euros de commandes
L’année écoulée est d’ailleurs significative. Si ATR a enregistré des commandes pour 80 nouveaux appareils auprès de 12 clients, parmi ceux-ci cinq sont de nouveaux clients et ont commandé un total de 45 avions, soit 56 % des commandes. En incluant les options c’est donc un peu moins de 2,5 milliards d’euros de commandes que le constructeur basé à Toulouse a engrangés. Des chiffres qui ne peuvent évidemment que contenter Filippo Bagnato : « Je suis ravi qu’ATR ait retrouvé sa croissance […] Nous avons enregistré des commandes significatives auprès de ces nouveaux clients en Amérique latine et dans la région des Caraïbes, et avons également reçu la confiance de loueurs tels qu’Air Lease Corporation, renforçant ainsi notre présence mondiale. Nous avons aujourd’hui des bases solides qui nous permettent de nous préparer à franchir de nouvelles étapes ». ATR a ainsi terminé l’année avec un carnet de commandes fort de 159 appareils, et réalisant une augmentation importante par rapport à 2009 (136 avions), représentant trois années de production au rythme actuel de livraison. En 2011 ATR obtiendra certification for version "600" of its two models. Delivery is expected in mid-year, while the first ATR 45-600 will be delivered before the end of the year according to management.
World Leader on a growing market
A device that will feature a new cabin designed specifically for ATR by Italian designer Giugiaro. The company, a world leader from a equal partnership between Alenia Aeronautica (Finmeccanica group) and EADS wants to reinforce this first place worldwide. According to Filippo Bagnato, "he is a strong commercial potential for ATR in the South-East Asia, India and Latin America [...] and also in other emerging economies. In addition there is a strong potential for fleet renewal in mature markets. We have a real advantage by offering a family of aircraft known for their low operating costs and environmental friendliness. "
Hervé Chossat
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Airbus still number one global aerospace
The year 2010 was particularly good for the European aircraft manufacturer
with a record of delivery beat for the third consecutive year, the sale of its 1,000 th unit and a backlog of six years of production.
The year 2010 has finally been a good year for Airbus. On the occasion of the traditional presentation of business results, January 17 at the Boeing Delivery Center in European Colomiers, Tom Enders, President, do not sulk his pleasure in announcing a record of deliveries beat again. With 510 civilian aircraft delivered last year, against 498 in 2009, Airbus is outperforming its rival Boeing for the world number one spot in aeronautics, American who delivered him, 462 units.
"Remember, last year at the same time, we were not sure that the economic crisis was over. Twelve months later the situation is better. All told, 2010 was a pretty good year, "said Tom Enders on this occasion. A good year in terms of deliveries, but also commands. Airbus will also retain its leadership in this area with 644 new aircraft orders, representing more than 63.4 billion euros, against 625 for Boeing. For the ninth consecutive year, Airbus retains its leadership position, but it must also command a very last minute, signed Dec. 29, from Virgin America (see elsewhere), allowing it to display 52% market share. In spite of 70 cancellations, Airbus has more than doubled the number of orders for the previous year (271) and far exceeded its objectives. Not surprisingly, most of these commands comes from the family of medium-haul: of the 644 contracts, 452 are orders A320s, 160 A330s, A340s, A350s and 32 relate to the A380 superjumbo. As early 2011, Airbus can not display less six years of full production with a backlog of civil aircraft 3552 aircraft, worth a total of about $ 480 billion at list prices.
400M: mass production imminent
On the military aviation industry, Airbus received 21 orders in 2010 and is confident about the future of the A400M. Tom Enders reiterated the signing of the agreement in principle for a $ 3.5 billion extension of the seven clients jumbo. "Only still missing validation of the German parliament which is expected shortly. We will start production soon series and we hope to achieve certification by the end of the year 2011 "he said. A clear sky for Aibus who still had some setbacks beginning with a target of 20 A380 to be delivered in 2010 which has been held (18 aircraft were returned to their owners). The failure of the Trent 900 engine manufactured by Rolls Royce on a unit of Qantas Airlines, the largest Australian airline, has indeed upset the plans of the European aircraft manufacturer has been forced to revise all the engines in service and production and resulted in delays will be felt even in 2011.
off the end of 2011 for the A350 delays
which, however, should be required for commissioning of the new assembly line of A350 which, according to Airbus, "the first copy should be released at the end of this year with first delivery scheduled for late 2013. Therefore a pivotal year that started on a flying command history with the announcement two weeks ago of the Indian low cost carrier Indigo six A380s and 180 A320s, 150 version of NEO (New Engine Option), more fuel efficient . "2011 sera l’année de NEO » a indiqué le directeur commercial d’Airbus, John Leahy.
3 000 embauches cette année
L’on sait bien que lorsqu’Airbus s’enrhume, c’est toute l’économie régionale qui tousse et ces éléments ont de quoi donner une grande bouffée d’air pur dans une conjoncture toujours incertaine. Airbus a d’ailleurs annoncé que, pour faire face à l’augmentation de ses cadences de production comme pour réussir à développer l’ensemble de ses nouveaux programmes, l’embauche de quelque 3 000 salariés en Europe était à l’ordre du jour, « dont half in France. " Given the attrition, about 1500 per year, 1500 are net new jobs being created, as well as Airbus to 54,000 employees by the end of this year. If encryption to Toulouse was not disclosed, Bregier, the CEO of Airbus said on the sidelines of the press conference: "We will be beyond the levels of last year, exceeding even the Bar 1000 recruitment.
Hervé Chossat
The year 2010 was particularly good for the European aircraft manufacturer
with a record of delivery beat for the third consecutive year, the sale of its 1,000 th unit and a backlog of six years of production.
The year 2010 has finally been a good year for Airbus. On the occasion of the traditional presentation of business results, January 17 at the Boeing Delivery Center in European Colomiers, Tom Enders, President, do not sulk his pleasure in announcing a record of deliveries beat again. With 510 civilian aircraft delivered last year, against 498 in 2009, Airbus is outperforming its rival Boeing for the world number one spot in aeronautics, American who delivered him, 462 units.
"Remember, last year at the same time, we were not sure that the economic crisis was over. Twelve months later the situation is better. All told, 2010 was a pretty good year, "said Tom Enders on this occasion. A good year in terms of deliveries, but also commands. Airbus will also retain its leadership in this area with 644 new aircraft orders, representing more than 63.4 billion euros, against 625 for Boeing. For the ninth consecutive year, Airbus retains its leadership position, but it must also command a very last minute, signed Dec. 29, from Virgin America (see elsewhere), allowing it to display 52% market share. In spite of 70 cancellations, Airbus has more than doubled the number of orders for the previous year (271) and far exceeded its objectives. Not surprisingly, most of these commands comes from the family of medium-haul: of the 644 contracts, 452 are orders A320s, 160 A330s, A340s, A350s and 32 relate to the A380 superjumbo. As early 2011, Airbus can not display less six years of full production with a backlog of civil aircraft 3552 aircraft, worth a total of about $ 480 billion at list prices.
400M: mass production imminent
On the military aviation industry, Airbus received 21 orders in 2010 and is confident about the future of the A400M. Tom Enders reiterated the signing of the agreement in principle for a $ 3.5 billion extension of the seven clients jumbo. "Only still missing validation of the German parliament which is expected shortly. We will start production soon series and we hope to achieve certification by the end of the year 2011 "he said. A clear sky for Aibus who still had some setbacks beginning with a target of 20 A380 to be delivered in 2010 which has been held (18 aircraft were returned to their owners). The failure of the Trent 900 engine manufactured by Rolls Royce on a unit of Qantas Airlines, the largest Australian airline, has indeed upset the plans of the European aircraft manufacturer has been forced to revise all the engines in service and production and resulted in delays will be felt even in 2011.
off the end of 2011 for the A350 delays
which, however, should be required for commissioning of the new assembly line of A350 which, according to Airbus, "the first copy should be released at the end of this year with first delivery scheduled for late 2013. Therefore a pivotal year that started on a flying command history with the announcement two weeks ago of the Indian low cost carrier Indigo six A380s and 180 A320s, 150 version of NEO (New Engine Option), more fuel efficient . "2011 sera l’année de NEO » a indiqué le directeur commercial d’Airbus, John Leahy.
3 000 embauches cette année
L’on sait bien que lorsqu’Airbus s’enrhume, c’est toute l’économie régionale qui tousse et ces éléments ont de quoi donner une grande bouffée d’air pur dans une conjoncture toujours incertaine. Airbus a d’ailleurs annoncé que, pour faire face à l’augmentation de ses cadences de production comme pour réussir à développer l’ensemble de ses nouveaux programmes, l’embauche de quelque 3 000 salariés en Europe était à l’ordre du jour, « dont half in France. " Given the attrition, about 1500 per year, 1500 are net new jobs being created, as well as Airbus to 54,000 employees by the end of this year. If encryption to Toulouse was not disclosed, Bregier, the CEO of Airbus said on the sidelines of the press conference: "We will be beyond the levels of last year, exceeding even the Bar 1000 recruitment.
Hervé Chossat
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Tax Counsel
is a small red book that has not finished hearing talk. While the government is working on an overhaul of the taxation of wealth, three economists, Camille Landais, a researcher at Stanford, Thomas Piketty, Professor at the Paris School of Economics and Emmanuel Saez, a professor at Berkeley, advocate a revolution Fiscal showing clearly what everybody knows, namely that the French tax system is unfair and very little progressive. For them, ignoring the patching up and a rethinking of the factory gas tax. One tax, unique and truly progressive, levied at the source of labor income as capital, the proposal décoiffe both by demonstrating that its effectiveness. A double album of a website ( that allows everyone to contribute to the debate by making his own simulations with the existing scale or create another. A little red book version to find twenty-first century and will probably at the heart of debates in the next campaign for president.
Hervé Chossat
is a small red book that has not finished hearing talk. While the government is working on an overhaul of the taxation of wealth, three economists, Camille Landais, a researcher at Stanford, Thomas Piketty, Professor at the Paris School of Economics and Emmanuel Saez, a professor at Berkeley, advocate a revolution Fiscal showing clearly what everybody knows, namely that the French tax system is unfair and very little progressive. For them, ignoring the patching up and a rethinking of the factory gas tax. One tax, unique and truly progressive, levied at the source of labor income as capital, the proposal décoiffe both by demonstrating that its effectiveness. A double album of a website ( that allows everyone to contribute to the debate by making his own simulations with the existing scale or create another. A little red book version to find twenty-first century and will probably at the heart of debates in the next campaign for president.
Hervé Chossat
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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Du design dans nos luminaires.
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true design object, the lamp Kashmiri decorate your home with elegance while providing illumination of a rare beauty!
She gives birth to a fascinating play of shadows and light.
light and matter intertwine creating a visual effect sublime.
By reason of its delicacy, she expresses a subtle blend of immateriality and absolute presence. The purpose
yet so real, takes the form of a simple line in space.
The lamp tube is divided Kashmir in two sizes.
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