Thursday, November 4, 2010

Miosotis Drives Milena Velba

Converting bed canopy bed! The composite

Who has not dreamed of having a canopy bed to indulge in style in the arms of Morpheus? Why not revive the romance in your bedroom and turn it into a setting worthy of a fairy tale? Here are some tips.

You can make a normal canopy securely fixing wholesale bamboo stakes on each foot bed with clamps. Then attach the wire ropes between each upright bamboo slip your curtains and you get your famous bed.

That said, it is inadvisable to add more wood studs or metal bed. On the aesthetic point of view, you will not get the desired effect. The best is to fix the ceiling structure to hang your curtains.

Au-dessus du lit, vous pouvez fixer au plafond deux barres à rideaux, parallèles au lit, que vous pouvez trouver dans un magasin de bricolage. Puis, vous y insérez vos voilages et le tour est joué. 

Autre solution : le crochet en métal fixé au plafond auquel vous accrochez un grand voilage par un anneau fin passé au milieu. Vous suspendez au crochet, un cerceau de 50 cm de diamètre sur lequel vous ferez glisser le voilage pour le répartir dessus. En bref, vous allez bricoler une moustiquaire home made ! 

Other formula: hang a picture frame on the ceiling above the bed of course, within which you staple your curtains. Make sure the frame fits in place! Many stores offer decorative bed canopies hanging. The advantage is that in summer they also protect against mosquitoes.

You can opt for a wrought iron sky set against the wall. Everything depends on the design and material of your bed. The most important is that this accessory is in harmony with the decor and style of your room.

Opt for a sheer and transparent end to create a romantic atmosphere in your room, rather a dark cloth.


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