Thursday, November 18, 2010

Public Transport Masterbate

L’Amérique dans ma déco.

Si le rêve américain a fait rêver des générations de jeunes gens, il s'exprime aussi aujourd'hui dans la décoration. Décryptage des symboles à reprendre chez soi pour tous les amoureux de l'Amérique…

Le drapeau étoilé
50 étoiles représentant les 50 Etats américains sur un fond bleu, white and red, is the symbol flag of the United States. This is largely reflected in the decoration, on stickers, napkins, of cloth hanging on the walls, various boxes ... The stars are also present in the decor, especially this winter at Ikea for example.

The Statue of Liberty
Another emblem of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. This is also reflected on the walls to hang paintings and stickers, but also for the fridge magnets, or ornaments of bed ...

Hollywood cinema is one of the markers of American culture and decoration has taken possession for several years now. All symbols are found as the stars of Hollywood Boulevard, claps of cinema projectors lamps, effigies of film stars like Marilyn Monroe or James Dean ...

New York
She is the quintessential city of the United States, the Big Apple never ceases to be a source of inspiration in all directions! Skyscrapers, yellow cabs, island of Manhattan, are largely taken on paintings, stickers, trinkets of all kinds but also on furniture such as chairs or lamps ...

Basketball is a sports more popular in America and for good reason since it was invented by a Canadian residing in the United States. The decor, there are silhouettes of basketball players for example, on stickers. A detail inspired by basketball: the characteristic shape of shirt numbers of these athletes (on many products Maisons du Monde). They are found especially in the decoration for teens than it is on decorative accessories, furniture or bed linen for example.

Coca Cola
And yes, Coca Cola is also an emblematic product of American culture and there are more and more posters, stickers and other items in a retro style extolling the virtues of Coca Cola. Like Coca Cola Collection Jasmine Teo, a small vintage air in the American tradition ...


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