We all have our own mentors - people who in one way or another, have played an important role and we influenced the way we perceive things. During your life, you will also find that what you did or said was a way to influence people. In both cases, you will see there is a way for you to influence people and it will benefit you if you know how to use this skill to your advantage.
There really is no right or wrong way to influence people. The important thing when you try to influence people is that you go for a positive result. Your success as a leader or part of a group, and in life in general, depend on your ability to influence people and affect their lives positively. To get a better understanding of how you can influence people in a positive or productive, check out the following:
1. Getting your message.
Consider a manager. If an employee under his supervision is often late to work, how can it affect the employee to improve job performance? The first thing the manager needs to do is set a good example. Showing time, you send the message that you can be the boss, but you are not exempt from society and rules - even with something as simple as coming to work on time. In this way, the manager can influence the employee in being a model and setting a good example.
2. If someone behaves inappropriately, dig a little deeper the reason for this behavior.
Influencing people in your way of thinking does not - and should not involve manipulation, intimidation, punishment or harassment. There should be a motivation behind such behavior, and punish you will not submit the results you want. Find out what the reason is behind it. Listen to their problem and explain the situation for you. Only then can you make an intelligent decision and take action on how you can change your mind in your thinking.
3. Explain the results que vous aimeriez voir et obtenir vos commentaires.
Si vous êtes un chef de file dans une société de vente, par exemple, vous avez tous un but commun pour répondre à une société. Si vos employés pensent que vous êtes seulement en elle de l'argent avec aucune motivation profonde, vous peuvent influencer pas leur faire croire qu'ils devraient travailler assez dur
pour rendre le bénéfice de la société. Aux pour influencer dans l'atteinte des objectifs que vous avez, expliquer les résultats que vous aimeriez voir. Le processus ne doit pas se terminer ici, parce que vous devez également obtenir vos commentaires pour savoir if the goals are realistic, or if the methods you want to use are achievable at all.
4. Learning to listen and communicate effectively to influence people positively.
Influencing people is not only limited to the workplace. Even as a parent, you can try to influence your children living the kind of life you would like them to have. As a friend, you do not always agree with the actions of your friend, but you should always be there for them to support any decisions that they make. Listening and apprendre à communiquer efficacement vous fera à influencer les autres vies en raison d'une compréhension plus profonde que vous aurez sur ce qui motive, qui à son tour vous donnera une idée sur la façon de faire face à une situation particulière.
Avec ces à l'esprit, vous pouvez apprendre comment des résultats positifs de la façon que vous influencer les gens, afin que vous peut réussir à atteindre les objectifs que vous avez défini pour vous-même et pour les autres.
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