Friday, March 4, 2011

Free Penthouse Stories


Ils disent que la première étape pour battre une dépendance est d'admettre que vous avez un problème.

Dealing with someone with a gambling addiction can be painful. They tend to withdraw from family and friends, then what are you supposed to do when someone you care about has developed a gambling addiction

There are several things you should do and some of them are very difficult to do.

The first thing you need to do is to hide all your valuables, and if that person lives with you, then you must keep it behind locked doors and if it is not possible, then take to a bank and lock them in a safe.

If this person is a child you or your spouse, you should limit access to your money. In many circumstances people spent their family savings and funds of the college kid. So if possible try to get names of people to account if it is not already too late and cancel all their credit cards.

At some point, you have to confront. When you are in front of them, it is important not to scream and do not get angry just tell them how they do affects you. Make sure all close friends people are there to help with that.

It is important that everyone turns and tell the person how his game has affected their relationships, but in a non-angry, compassionate. This will allow the person to realize that people that care about him see something, maybe it does not and hopefully take an honest look at his game

Remember the goal against someone is not to make them stop the game is to help them recognize they have a gambling problem and encourage to seek professional help.

Some people recommend that you try to get your friend to go to a meeting of Gamblers Anonymous, but I do not recommend it. Gamblers Anonymous is a great organization that really helps those having problems stay away from gambling game, but before you're ready for that most people one on one sessions with a psychologist or need a trained counselor to treat gambling addiction

After all is said and done, you must be ready because most of the time the gambler continues to play, perhaps they will make a brief attempt to stop before starting again in secret.

With most addictions, the person with the problem must hit what they call a "bottom". It is when the player has lost all it really meant anything to them, such as family and friends and it was only at this stage many will see the problem and seek help.

If you know someone who refuses to admit their problem gambling I recommend that after you tried your best to get that person to seek help if they do not, you may need to be prepared to leave, remember at some point, you have to abandon a sinking ship, before going down well.

To find more information about the game for players of addiction research and anonymous

Codependence sites.


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