Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gay Vs Travestis Vidgratiseo

Healthy Sex Prevents Disease

There are many positive correlations between love, sex and health. However, it has produced many questions .....

Have you ever wondered if sexually active can really relieve pain? Sexually active people have fewer colds and flu tips? Is it true that married people live longer than single or divorced people? Sexually active can prevent illness and disease by strengthening our immune system?

I have these answers and more, read on ...

An active sex life is both challenging and rejuvenate the glandular system. When we make love the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenals, prostate and testicles in men and ovaries in women are thoroughly exercised. The net result is that people love about them look better.

activation center in the brain sex is affecting the health of other brain centers. Each cell in the body gets the message and is reinforced by it. Sexually active strengthens our immune system. The scientists compared the nerve endings of people happy, loving and sexually filled with people unhappy and sexually unfulfilled.

Apparently, a large number of immune cells met near the nerve endings dans les gens « heureux ». Un examen microscopique similaire de personnes « malheureuses » et déprimés ont montré aucune telle cueillette de cellules du système immunitaire.

Les scientifiques théorisé que les terminaisons nerveuses dans le groupe « happy » ont été libérant des neurotransmetteurs. Il s'agit de produits chimiques, comme l'adrénaline et l'acétylcholine, facilitent la transmission des messages nerveux.

Les scientifiques ont conclu que ces neurotransmetteurs pourraient attirer, se nourrir et à renforcer les diverses cellules du système immunitaire. Durant les rapports sexuels, les battements de cœur deux fois plus que le sang rapide, pumping pelvis, breasts, nipples and the skin surface to get rid of toxins and bringing in nutrients.

We also twice as fast, bringing more oxygen to breath. The muscles are tensed and relaxed alternately. Of course, not much good is done by those who rush through copulation in ten minutes or less.

But for those who spend a quiet hour or two, the benefits can be considerable. You and only you can determine the success or failure of your sex life and love, your physical, mental and spiritual. and almost all other aspects of your life.


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