Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Kate From Kates Playground Gay

Young Outbreak

The power has always,
rightly wary of youth.
If, by definition it is full of passion and
revolt, it is also
blood of a nation, its sap, its
future. What have we heard
in the debate on pensions
it was a necessity if one wanted
system, leave to our children
. They are the ones who are now just

the street. The government fears a clear

radicalization of the movement of protest and rightly
as we know how they can be unpredictable
. Manipulated?
Doubtless in part by some
certainly not. For they know, them,
how their future is unclear,
between an entry le marché
du travail de plus en plus
tardive, un emploi des seniors
scandaleux qui fait qu’à 45 ans
l’on est déjà un « senior » pour
le Pôle emploi et donc une
retraite repoussée aux calendes
grecques. C’est cela qu’ils
veulent faire entendre, il faut
écouter et, surtout, entendre
nos enfants.


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