Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When To Wear A Sweater Vest


Virginia Desarnauts. After a journey that has led the Sitcom AB Productions marches de Cannes in 2004 in a film by Agnes Jaoui, actress Toulouse is now the heroine of The House of Rocheville, historical saga on France 2.

It could be a lawyer. Daughter of Bertrand Desarnauts barrister, lawyer sister, she also has some talent when it comes to defending an idea, a role or project. And these are not accidents of life that made it did not embrace the legal profession. No, just the desire, passion, and many work. For if many actors do not admit it, Desarnauts Virginia, she worked on her a lot. This is also accompanied by that which is truly a mentor, his therapist, Josiane Braem, she meets with you to talk about it, its topicality, its work. A news that could well mark a turning point in the career of actress Toulouse. From 28 September, she will perform in effect Eugenie, one of the leading roles in the new series for France 2, La Maison des Rocheville. A family saga by Jacques Otmezguine, largely inspired by the trilogy of Yann of reckoning. Over the five episodes of the series, we may well follow this woman throughout her life, between 1893 and 1968, Virginia Desarnauts interpreting 18 to 68 years. "It's a passionate woman and scope defending its ideals, and authentic with a great sense of honor. It goes throughout his life to follow his ideas, even going against his time, his environment, "says the actress. And it is primarily the story throughout the course which has attracted in this project which required six months of filming in Bordeaux: "How to retransmit all the way? Interpret ce personnage aux différents âges de la vie ? Comment faire passer les émotions face aux épreuves de la vie, l’amour et le couple, la guerre, un engagement comme résistante avec un fils qui, lui, n’a pas fait ce choix ? Cela a été pour moi un véritable voyage intérieur, une expérience majeure ». Une aventure à des lieues de ses débuts dans les séries d’AB Productions qui, sans doute, fera s’éloigner cette image qui lui colle à la peau. C’est en effet au début des années quatre-vingt-dix que la jeune Toulousaine prend la direction de la capitale et du cours Florent pour devenir comédienne. Repérée lors d’un casting, elle se fera connaître du public à travers les Sitcom vedettes de l’époque, de Premiers baisers aux Années Fac et autre Miracle de l’amour. Le cinéma, elle le découvre en 1995, en jouant dans Jefferson à Paris puis, entre autres, dans Pierre et Farid en 2002, alternant au fil de ces années des petits rôles pour le grand écran à l’instar du Courage d’aimer ou Les Parisiens de Claude Lelouch comme pour des séries télévisées de Navaro à Sœur Thérèse.com en passant par Femmes de loi ou Joséphine Ange gardien. « Ce sont autant d’expériences qui m’ont fait évoluer », souligne-t-elle. Elle se libérera enfin vraiment en Like turning a picture of Agnes Jaoui in 2004, selected for the Cannes festival. "Until this movie, I was labeled the blue-eyed blonde who plays in the sitcom. There, it was really a major turning point, "she says, not without adding immediately:" I do not spit in the soup. AB productions made me work every day which for a young actress, is rare. " However with the film of Agnes Jaoui, the red carpet of the Cannes festival palace, and a true media frenzy around her, she'll probably take the most important decision of his career : Return to base in Toulouse: "I saw very quickly the interest but also the danger due to this film. I had to find the distance and this is my backbone. I started a real personal work that has lasted seven years and who I need. At that time, I told myself that if I wanted to continue doing this job I had absolutely put this into place to better manage my emotions. Like all artists, I find it hard to differentiate my personal and my professional career. We only work with emotions, yet in this business is all or nothing and it can be very destabilizing. " To her, being based in Toulouse allows so much perspective to approach this job like any other, even if play is not neutral. His many experiences outside of the plates, selling or hostess, it also removes a "necessary anchor in reality." And especially do not tell him that six months of filming for House of Rocheville is a long time: "We should not exaggerate anyway. We are privileged. This is much less difficult than for people who face daily problems in the office or fund supermarket ". She embarked on the stage playing Oscar in 2008, admits now moving in this direction from direct contact with the public, including through the song: "I discovered the power of being on stage the first time in 2006 at the Halle to the grain, where I was asked unexpectedly to sing a tribute to Nougaro. I got a huge smack and I really want to continue in this direction. " Thus, after recording a duet with Anthony Chaplain last year, she carefully preparing his next adventure: the output a disc. And as for the song to his job as an actress, she has again chosen to surround himself, to be accompanied by professionals, in this case and Jean Pierre Billon Mora. A string to his bow for doing what she loves above all sincerely, passionately, to convey emotions: "It's another medium. I am an artist, not just an actress, I do not see why I should deprive myself. We are currently working to do something very personal to give this disc a color that really looks like me. " A deep color, sensitive and passionate which boils certainly not alone his blue eyes. Too bad for lawyers, good for the public.


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